YOU ARE YOUR OWN MASTERPIECE OF CREATIVE SPIRITUAL CORPOREAL ART ~ @ NO ENDING nor BEGINNING SPIRITUAL ENTERPRISE. There are entirely different depths to be probed in our human individual reincarnational existences. I know from my own personal experiences and careful observation ALL OF US ARE NOT in nor at THE SAME ESSENCE IN EMOTIONAL QUALITY IN OUR CONSCIOUS FOCUS AND WE DIFFER VASTLY IN OUR QUALITY OF APPRECIATION OF HUMAN LIFE EXPERIENCE HERE ON EARTH. I myself see no counterpart within even my own biological family, While it is true in one way or another we are all travelers, before we begin even our first reinarnational cycle. Once a cycle of reincarnation begins however, some adapt to physical reality like fish do in the sea or birds fly in the air. Therefore, some will choose to go all the way. These personalities may simply choose to specialize in human physical existence, and their knowledge of this system of camouflage reality may become so comprehensive comparatively speaking that there cannot be any valid comparison of them with others during their cycle. For these there will be an intentional decision to make a personal movement through all of the racial types ~ a requirement which is not necessarily made upon the average personality. For these individual their is always an intensive preoccupation with historical periods and the change and alteration in the evolution of human belief systems associated with human consciousness, science, religions, and human consciousness as considered in psychology especially. As a rule of thumb, but not always, during lives, these individual may seem to live comparatively short lives, but this alone can be misunderstood.These personality type may learn more in 1-20 years than others could possibly learn from a life lived 70-120 years duration, They are gluttons of learning and keen in understanding human motivation as it shows up in cultural ideas and concepts. They understand quite well the MIND and HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS. They are more interested in the intensity of the EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCE than in long comfort, or happiness and security, therefore they experience more lives than most other individuals. They have through great and deliberate attention of significances focused conscious effort and thus made themselves more aware of the specialness associated with the human spiritual physical experience and they are exultantly familiar with the joy of tribulations, the tumultuous pathos of human emotions in yearnings and striving of human individuals. Because of such psychic and emotional sensitivity of conscious awareness ~They decide to return again and again, in other words, in as many historical periods as possible, finally transforming their human consciousness to become TEACHERS, MESSENGERS,to be equipped to AID the species and Assist Humanity To Increase Its Quality of Spiritual Understand where it is needed, to help shape world civilization into a better saner place to raise children. These people are the carriers of gift of spiritual knowledge and intelligence for our species. They are set apart in a special family of consciousness are called SPEAKERS by Seth, and accordingly they exist as in generally unlike most normally consciously responsible personalities. Therefore in as simple terms as possible, We must acknowledge that not everyone within a cycle do not have the same background nor the same interests or deeper purposes necessarily when we enter this physical system In all cases EARTHLY EXISTENCE is a training and learning period for the development of the multidimensional personality. Beyond that necessary fundamental requirement there are often vast difference in the quality of emotional spiritual understanding of human existence between all people who may live within the same cycle. Each and every individual experiences an entirely UNIQUE or ECCENTRIC different version or REALITY, even if it seems they are in the exact same environment with the same gifts and abilities and are given the same exact hypothetical opportunities. Equality has nor correlation to SAMENESS. The idea of sameness is a theoretical impossibility. Each of our lives are different in perception and in emotional quality from that of every other individual on earth or who has ever lived on earth. NATURE CANNOT DUPLICATE WHAT YOU ARE. You cannot think the same thought nor experience the same exact emotional feeling of any other human alive upon our earth nor in heaven. This none duplicate-able phenomenon springs outward projected from the PSYCHE IN ITS HUMAN EXPRESSION. ~ I have lived long enough to have encountered some FOLKS who dont like nor love any other people or persons, NOT EVEN THEMSELVES. It isnt necessary to ask them anything because the mouth opens in DENIAL, but the body language and that look of dont LIE TO ME on their face it itself a LIARS LOOK their energy resonances say it all loud and clear.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 21:31:45 +0000

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