YOU CALL ANYONE A RACIST.... You are a disciple of Leon Trotsky - TopicsExpress


YOU CALL ANYONE A RACIST.... You are a disciple of Leon Trotsky !!! AND YOU ARE CERTAINLY A TROLL!! RACIST..RACIST RACIST RACIST RACIST RACIST RACIST RACIST..RACIST RACIST RACIST RACIST RACIST RACIST RACIST..RACIST RACIST RACIST RACIST RACIST RACIST there say it a few more time assholes !! Say it often enough and you will believe the word has meaning!!! Read up and educate yourselves and dont let your mouth become the sewer pipe for the Progressives! Racist -- A Word Invented by USSRs Leon Trotsky The word racist has for a long time been the single most effective fear-word in the leftist and neoconservative arsenal. For decades, they have successfully used it in the political arena to slander traditionalists, shut down debate, and leave opponents running for cover. In the social arena, they have caused even more damage by using it to brainwash impressionable children and young college students, and to teach people to hate their nation, their cultural traditions, and worst of all, themselves. What surprisingly remains almost totally undiscussed, even on the hard core traditionalist Right, is the words origin. Did it come from a liberal sociologist? A 60s Marxist college professor? Perhaps a politician in the Democratic Party? No. It turns out that the word was invented by none other than one of the principal architects of the 74-year Soviet nightmare, the founder and first leader of the infamous Red Army, Leon Trotsky. Leon Trotsky, after helping Lenin to create the Soviet murder machine in which he and Trotsky killed 1 to 4 million[2] people, was removed from power and expelled from the Soviet Union in the year 1929 after losing a power struggle to become Lenins successor to Josef Stalin. However, before fading into the pages of history, Leon Trotsky would do one last thing in 1930 that would arguably cause more damage to the West than Stalin and his successors entire Soviet nuclear arsenal could ever have done. He would invent a word that would empower literally the most rotten, traitorous weasels within the West to redefine those loyal to their people, their cultural traditions and way of life as the worst evil, and to send the government, the education system, and the mass media on an absolute royal crusade until they themselves and virtually everyone else around them actually believe it. And this unholy creation would be repeated over and over again, bolstered by revisionist history fabricated by more of the same rotten weasels falsely portraying the white man as the sole perpetrator of slavery and genocide in the world, and this would go on and on until the West would submit via demoralization to the entire Trotskyist internationalist agenda without a single shot being fired. We can see the final stages of this playing out right now, with racial double standards having been created here in America (at the expense of American whites, of course), with the creation of racism and hate speech offenses in Europe (only targeting the indigineous population, of course), with the Canadian and Australian governments having implemented multiculturalism as official state policy (at the expense of the pre-existing Canadian and Australian cultures), and most of all, with the huge wave of third-world immigration into the West, supported by all Western governments (otherwise it wouldnt be happening), which is radically changing the makeup and culture of those countries, and is threatening their original populations with becoming a minority in their own countries within just a few decades. Due especially to Trotskys hand in the murder of millions of people under the Lenin regime, as well as the ongoing global recession causing many fence sitters to take a side in these affairs, Rightists have a real opportunity to shut the lid on this word once and for all, simply by telling the truth about who invented the word and what its purpose was (and is). It is an opportunity that we cannot afford to miss. One can hardly imagine a true Euro-nationalist movement where most of the people in it believe they are racists for daring to embark on such a project, as todays reigning system would have us believe. SO CUT THE BULLSHIT.. I AM NOT AFFECTED BY THE MONIKER!!
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 22:04:06 +0000

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