YOU CAN...CHANGE IT. I believe that in many situations where we - TopicsExpress


YOU CAN...CHANGE IT. I believe that in many situations where we so many times ignorantly act or feel hopeless, we are not hopeless, we have such authority and ability of GOD to CHANGE IT.. whosoever shall SAY unto this MOUNTAIN be thou REMOVED and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall BELIEVE that those things shall come to pass, he shall have whatdoever he saith..Mk 11; 23. Why MOUNTAIN, Well the MOUNTAIN typifies the most STABLE, most PERMANT,most MASSIVE and most IMMOVABLE Structure known to man, its application was intended to be both literal and figurative. He was telling us the INFALLIBILITY of our FAITH when released through words from a heart thats not contaminated with DOUBT. The power to MOVE the mountains of our LIVES is not with GOD but with us, we turn his ability loose on our behalf by our FAITH filled words.So long as your choice does not infringe on the divine rights of another, GOD will honour your faith.. He said.. behold I give unto you a MOUTH and a WISDOM which all of your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor 21:15. So no FORCE can RESIST or withstand the FORCE of faith filled words emitting from your mouth. You talk, you command and in some cases you pray, speaking in the name of Jesus.. What could be MOUNTAINS to US in life. Mountains could be 1..A struggling business. 2..A health situation. 3..A lingering negative experience. 4..Satanic afflictions. Such problems that started after demonic experiences in dreams or even visions.. 5..All Sicknness, medically helpless situations such as DIABETES, CANCER, IMPOTENCY, HIV.. 6...Barrenness, still births or miscarriages. 7...Joblessness, singlehood or any duch thing.. 8..Even GODS declarations can be a mountain like telling HEZEKIAH to put his house in order and die.. Look, whatever you dont approve of, you command to go, God is not looking at the DOCTORS report or your BUSINESS report, He is not focussing on the INFIRMITY that started from a satanic dream, GOD is aware of them, but wont reckon with them except you do by your THOUGHTS, WORDS and ACTIONS. GOD has committed himself, his power, his ability to making SURE that whatever you command to BECOME of that SITUATION is what will BE in time. You CALL it CONTINUALLY what you desire of it. So, you TALK to CHANGE the undesirable, speak forth your desires.. Do you not KNOW that divinity SPEAKS to create, do you not know that you are DIVINE..I mean of God, havent you heard that Whatsoever is born of GOD overcomes the overcome. So dont shut up, keep INSISTING and keep SPEAKING by faith in the name of Jesus, commanding to BE what you DESIRE to be, it must FILL your hesrts, and FLOW out of your mouths. You can CHANGE IT,, How? Keep speaking to it in the name of JESUS, Its hearing you, thats laying the AXE to the root of the TREE, If you keep SPEAKING faithfully and consistently soon its going DOWN according to your FAITH in Jesus name... CONFESSION. I have authority nd ability to CHANGE whatever I want, so I speak life,i speak healing into my body,my business and all concern me,i declare in the name of Jesus My life is perfected of God now IJN
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 05:29:37 +0000

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