YOU CAN FORGET MY SUPPORT AGAIN ROMNEY. YOURE TOO MUCH A RINO! Mitt Romney and his former running mate, Paul Ryan, will be making their first public appearance together since losing to Obama/Biden two years ago. Ryan is traveling the country to promote a book and is also said to be considering a run for the White House himself. Romney will interview Ryan Thursday night on stage at the Union League Club of Chicago. Ryans book has met some criticism given its handling of the immigration issue - which is increasingly being exposed as a stone cold loser of an issue in the very mid-term elections Ryan suggested it be used by GOP candidates. Romney, as well as some of his staff, reportedly cooperated with Ryan on the book. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) suggested that Republican candidates in this years midterm elections should run on granting a pathway to citizenship for all of the countrys illegal immigrants. Ryan, who had reportedly been working behind the scenes with Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL) to get House Republicans to support a broader immigration bill, said that he was having problems convincing conservatives to support immigration reform, which he said was very important. Establishment Republicans continue to advocate for immigration reform from the right as a winning issue when it comes to presidential politics. However one may view that split, when it comes to immigration and the mid-terms, clearly Ryans take - and to some extent, Romneys as well - would have proved disastrous were it embraced by Republicans in competitive races this year.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 02:17:53 +0000

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