YOU CAN GIVE WITHOUT LOVING, BUT YOU CAN NEVER LOVE WITHOUT GIVING by victor hugo GIVING IS AN OUTWARD ACTION. Whether its something TANGIBLE, like flowers, money, food, presents, or ABSTRACT like your time, affection or even malice. Giving is an OUTWARD ACTION. An outward action can be performed without any motivating factor behind it, like LOVE, a TAX WRITE-OFF, or even a negative emotion, like SELFISHNESS if you wanna do it just so people will think youre a giving person. GIVING can be done ...just because. But, the point Victor Hugo wants to make in this quote is that, LOVE is an emotion that will manifest into an act of GIVING. Meaning that if you love someone, you cannot help but want to give to that person to help them. If you say you love someone but are unwilling to give to that person, or have the ability to give to that person but with ulterior motives, then you dont really love that person. BUT LET’S TAKE IT ONE STEP FURTHER WITH THIS QUESTION: Is love really your motivating factor when you give but in reality, you just want people to think you’re a giving person? If you think about it, people will think YOURE A GIVING PERSON ANYWAY AS A RESULT. But, because SELFISHNESS and WINNING THE POPULARITY CONTEST was your motivation, you merely CHEATED yourself in manipulating and controlling people’s impression of you. Something to ponder about, huh? Anyway, back to the quote. It means you dont have to love anyone to give them food, money or whatever. But it is impossible to love without giving a part of yourself. When you really love someone or something, you give your heart AND ANYTHING ELSE you can to assist the person, animal or what ever you love. Giving is a part of loving and love does not exist without it. ….HAPPY SUNDAY & NAMASTE, Bren and Dora…
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 22:39:40 +0000

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