YOU CAN MAKE 28000 FROM 3000 SAFELY IN OPTION TRADING: TODAYS CALL: MOTILAL OSWALTARGET 96 My dear Investors you all remembered our IOC 200 call bought at 3 which again touched 28 on Friday. The most important your total investment and maximum risk is only 3000.So you can easily multiply your capital safely from option trading. Market is euphoric up one day when all investing community gave targets like 6400, 7000 and panic down the next day, again the same people gave target like 6000, 5800, and so on. In this situation option trading is the best suited for all investors who can make huge money in option trading. But one has to learn the golden rules of option trading. • Generally a small investor buys a option suppose at 5 ,when it becomes 6 or 7 he immediately sells it, but never sells when it becomes 3, even wait for last minutes on the expiry day hoping some miracle to happen, thereby losing his entire investment. • Normal stop-loss theory will not work in case of option. It depends on the value of underlying and the days left in expiry. • Buying and selling options at right price is very important as there is no much liquidity in most of time, so premiums are arbitrary, generally fixed to take small investors for a ride. • Never buy options when News broke by so called BREAKING NEWS on television, as premiums are jacked up much before releasing the news. • Never invest your whole investible fund in one option call hoping to multiply your capital overnight, as risk is equally high. • Make disciplined investment in options at regular intervals with a little diversification. The moral of the story: big money can be made with small capital in safest way of option trading. For your daily dose of profit visit our site ENJOY TRADING & HAVE A PROFITABLE 2014.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 02:48:16 +0000

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