YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE....YOU NEED TO VOTE SO THAT YOU CAN BE HEARD. iF YOU DO NOT TAKE THE TIME TO UNDERSTAND THE ISSUES AND VOTE THEM THEN DONT SIT AROUND AND COMPLAIN ABOUT THEM BECAUSE IF YOU DONT VOTE THEN YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO COMPLAIN...YOU HAVE A CHOICE....WE ALL DO...THATS THE BEAUTY OF OUR COUNTRY.....READ ON....LONG BUT WORTH IT.. Many individuals today feel their votes do not make a difference so they ask themselves why vote this election year. The answer is an important one. Our history is filled with several instances where voting in close elections made a difference. In some instances one vote in each county in a state made a difference between a candidate losing or winning an election. Another example involved a Presidential election where a candidate went to bed thinking he had won the election only to wake up finding out that he lost. The votes in the state of California changed the projected result of the election. Even newspapers already had headlines printed for a different winner in the election. Elections always have surprises and the 2014 election is sure to be no different. The importance of voting this year is more critical than ever with the path of our country at a critical step. The size of government is growing along with the size of our debt. The increased interest in this election year appears to be unlike any other in our history with so much on the line. The importance of this election can be seen in the political ads. Each party is making efforts to pitch their position on the issues and their success will depend upon how voters react to the content of the advertisements hitting the media. Who do you believe? Who can you trust to be honest? Only you can decide that. Voting to some extent is something Americans find hard to get excited about based on previous election experiences they may have had. I can understand this reaction but voters must realize that voicing their opinion on the issues through their votes sends a signal to those they elect. One thing is certain we have company in the views we have and when enough of us voice those views through our votes we can and will make a difference. I do not take much stock in most polls that are conducted these days or even in the past for I feel they do not necessarily reflect the views of voters accurately. The one thing about polls is that the outcome in any election can be totally different than polls conducted as late as a week before the election. Voters can change their minds based on events or statements and those who take polls may not provide their true position. Our country began on simple but important values which are exhibited in the Constitution. Individuals who came to this country wanted something different for themselves and their families. As time passed more and more individuals were given the right to vote. This did not occur out of the goodness of those who already had this right but a reaction to opinions that others deserve the right to make decisions for them and our country. We are a nation comprised of many different ethnic origins and with that many understand the importance of voting and why it can or will make a difference. Voting in other countries does not compare to our political system in what voters can and have accomplished in the past with their votes.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 21:29:27 +0000

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