YOU CANNOT GIVE WHAT YOU DON’T HAVE I mentioned in a teaching - TopicsExpress


YOU CANNOT GIVE WHAT YOU DON’T HAVE I mentioned in a teaching that giving is not determined by the amount a person has, it is simply a matter of the heart. If I may take this further, the truth is that you simply cannot give what you don’t have. I suspect you agree with me on that point but allow me clarify a little bit more. It is what you have (own, have control over, in charge of, posses power over) that you can give, a lot of people seem to have a lot of possession but are seemingly incapable of giving, they want to give but they can’t, they are wealthy but stingy. Face the truth! The possessions have you and not the other way round. A young banker was driving his BMW, in the mountains, during a snowstorm. As he rounded a turn the vehicle slid out of control and toward a cliff. At the last moment he unbuckled his seatbelt and jumped from the car. Though he escaped with his life, his left arm was caught near the hinge of the door and torn off at the shoulder. A trucker passing nearby witnessed the accident, stopped his truck, and ran back to see if he could be of help. There standing, in a state of shock, was the banker at the edge of the cliff moaning, "Oh no, my BMW, my BMW". The trucker pointed to the banker’s shoulder and said "man you’ve got bigger problems than a car". With that the banker looked at his shoulder, finally realizing he’d lost his arm, and began crying ":Oh No, my new Rolex, my new Rolex". Beloved, the things that we have can easily steal our affections away, and cause us to live for the wrong reasons. See, stuff is not bad, and it is not evil to own stuff, to have money, possessions, nice cars, houses, Rolex’s etc. but let’s be sure who actually owns what, do we own the things or do the things own us. Friends search your heart; this may be why you find it so difficult to access the gift that is GIVING. A quote from the Peace Pilgrim says “Anything you cannot give out possesses you. Have a wonderful day.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 07:05:52 +0000

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