YOU CANT DO VODUN BY INTERNET! In this 21st century world; and, - TopicsExpress


YOU CANT DO VODUN BY INTERNET! In this 21st century world; and, with the proliferation of social media, many think that you can sit, at home, and do vodun by internet. African vodun, vodun originating from the motherland, simply cannot be done that way. As my facebook friendship base has increased many are not taking the time to read the essays on my wall. These essays were written and designed to explain what African vodun actually is and to help folk make better informed decisions when pursuing the services of African or African based spiritual systems. As a result many are coming, to my facebook page, and assuming that I am akin to a Psychic Friends Network or any other number of feel good and quick fix sites. But I would like to stop you right here! If thats what you are thinking, then, you are on the wrong site! I, and, my husband are African vodun, not diaspora vodou. This statement is not intended to offer offense, towards anyone, or to have any assumptions made about what may be going on in the diaspora; but, our temple, Temple Behumbeza of (Cotonou) Benin, simply does not deal in quick fixes or miracle cures. One doesnt get into the mess, that one may find themselves in, overnight; and, one certainly will not find that one can get released, from it, overnight. What African vodun does, for anyone seeing trouble or having a need, is to first, go before the spirits, through authentic African divination (Ifa), to consult as to the causes or the root of ones troubles. And to whom are we consulting? We are consulting ones OWN personal spirits...ones ancestors and those spirits that gave you life. During that inquiry, the voduns (spirits) instruct us as what to do (the ceremonies to be performed), for you, in order to offer remedy. So, if vodun is done PROPERLY, there can be no set prices per se. Why? Because, until we speak to the spirits; and, they tell us what is the cause and the remedy, to be offered, we do not know what sacrificial animals to purchase or particular ceremonies to perform. But, since our temple has performed countless ceremonies, we might have some idea as to a ball park figure; however, each persons remedies are specific to them, their spirits and their circumstances. THIS is African vodun! Now, Im not saying that there may not be a set price on certain things like, for instance, a divination fee. But, again, the spirits, that lead our temple, have set those prices, for us, due to the amount of work involved in calling forth folks ancestors, for those in the diaspora, and the work involved in finding ones head spirit, accompanying spirits and performing various other inquires. As for these ancestral spirits; however, sometimes, my husband has to travel great distances, or to sacred waters, just to meet them. It is a misnomer, in the diaspora, that the priest or priestess has all of the power. A priest or priestess is ONLY as powerful as his or her relationship with the spirits is strong! And at Temple Behumbeza it is the voduns, themselves, that are calling the shots. So, please, I understand that diaspora folk are accustomed to cookie cutter initiations and price lists for ceremonies rendered; but, as for me and our house, we simply do not do things that way. We consult and wholeheartedly depend on the spirits. For it is THEY that direct our footsteps and THEY that we consult on all matters. We do not advertise, on this page or any other, for ceremonial services; and, we only speak about performing divinations, or services, if someone inquires. This page is not here to catch is here to inform! Now, let me take a moment and simply give you one of the DOWN sides of someone, of the African priesthood, giving you a set price on a ceremony. Africans know divination and use it! In fact we do not do vodun without it! If you have been given a set price and the priest or priestess goes before Ifa and the spirits change the course of the remedy/redress or proceed in a totally new direction, requiring more sacrifices or cost, the priest is only left with two options. One, ask you for more money, with an explanation, which you may or may not be willing to accept or two, leave out the new requests, from the spirits entirely and not telling you about it, thus, leaving you hanging with no remedy or redress. In the meantime you are over here, in the diaspora, wondering why your supposed results are not forth coming and your stuff aint did while the priest is busy telling you it takes time. So, then, you jump on Mami Wata Priestesss facebook page asking me what done happened when I tell you to go back to the person, you spent your money with, and inquire. Thats what you get for internet shopping vodun and seeking miracle cures. Not everyone is going to be honest with you. One generally only gets an answer, from the voduns, on what they need to offer you redress and a price for a ceremony AFTER full divination has been performed on the issue. And that initial divination, itself, must be paid for. So, first seek information on the processes; and, then, seek out contacts for the work to be done. And, another thing, stop trying to do vodun on a shoe string budget! If you want divine beings to work, for you, and change the course of your life, then, youve got to be willing to cough up the bucks or save up the money to do the proper ceremonies. This be African vodun, not, THE PRICE IS RIGHT! I have stopped counting the folks who roll up on me, hollering about they wanna be rich and famous, without a single solitary dime in their pockets to do a ceremony nor, least of all, the divination to determine why they might be suffering in the first place. So, you folk looking for quick fixes, miracle cures, dropping out of the sky, and getting rich overnight, please skip right past my facebook page. I simply want to talk about vodun. And, for those wishing to hang around, take a moment to peruse through the essays, on my facebook wall, as many of you already have. They may be of assistance to you in some way. And, hey, for my African brothers and sisters, especially the young folk, get off your dusty busties (posterior) and go out and search for a local priest or priestess for assistance. YOU have no are in Africa! Traditional priests can be found. I am happy to give advice; but, you must leave those computer chairs and screens to get help, because, you cannot do vodun by internet! Nobody can!
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 14:16:17 +0000

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