YOU CAN’T WORSHIP BRAHMIN’S GODS AND ALSO CAN’T FIGHT BRAHMINISM “CONTRADICTION IN BAHUJAN STRUGGLE”. ================================================== • (Ref : Dalit Voice, Bangalore, p-3-4-5,July 16-31, 2006, Editorial Article – Editor : V.T.Rajshekar) We have almost succeeded in defeating Brahmins politically – thanks to parliamentary democracy taking roots in our soil. Even in the Brahmana Jati Party (BJP) ruled states like Gujarat, Rajasthan, MP, Chhattisgarh there is no Brahmin Chief Minister. The BJP itself stands divided and virtually on a deathbed. And a veritable anti-Brahmin struggle is going on inside this pure Brahmin party. Does it mean it is a happy news that in India Brahminism indeed is dead and gone? No. It only means that the Brahmins are losing political power. But before getting defeated, the Brahmins have seen to it that political power is no power – reduced to zero. Those misquoting Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar saying “political power is the master-key” must tell us why even after Dalits got this “master-key” must tell us why even after Dalits got this “master-key” in UP during Mayawati’s régime thrice they lost it? “Political power” is no power : Dalits might have own the “political power” thrice but the real power during this period was still with the bureaucracy, judiciary, media, financial institutions, industry, etc. which are 100% Brahminical monopoly. That is why non-Brahmin political leaders, now controlling this “master – key” in Delhi and the states, are unable to dispense social justice to the Dalits/Muslims and other deprived destitutes constituting about 85% of the Indian population. Because “political power” is no power. Many political leaders might have become rich through corruption. But what about the corruption of the bureaucracy, judiciary, media, industry, financial institutions, business and professionals? Not only they are all upper caste but also corrupt to the core. But the media highlights only the corruption of the political class because this class is mostly non-Brahmin. The corruption in the real ruling class is shielded because it is Brahminical. Power flows into judiciary :The point is there is a systematic campaign to discredit and demoralize the political class and hold it responsible for all the ills of the country. The political class alone is facing the firing squad because politics in India is captured by the non-Brahmins and particularly the Bahujans. As days pass the political class will come under bigger and still bigger fire and finally it will be made totally powerless. Already the Supreme Court and High Courts have taken over the powers of the executive and started ruling the country. This is a dangerous turn and a total subversion of the very Constitution of India. But the upper caste are not bothered that the country is going to dogs as long as their caste interests are fully secured. Brahminical people have finally proved that political power is no power – not to speak of the “master-key”. Without having a thorough social-cultural revolution but merely flushing to “capture political power” will not make us rulers. Did not Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar say this? Secret of vaidik strength : The vaidik strength is in tack. They might have lost the “political power”. The topmost political leader of India is a Christian (Sonia Gandhi), the President of India a Muslim and the Prime Minister a Sikh. But the Brahmins decide everything. What is the use of this “political power”? What then is the secret of the vaidik strength? In this leader we seek to answer this question which must make us think deeply, analyze its implications and try to find the medicine for the disease which made us totally powerless. We discussed the state of India’s health in our Editorial “India grounded” (DV July 1, 2006). India is fast going down. Only the micro-minority upper castes are growing richer and powerful. The cowbelt is stricken with very many innumerable serious diseases. Exploitation suffering, persecution and criminal violence, the pain of the women are all increasing. Dalits (20%), Adivasis (10%), BC (35%) plus the Muslim (15%), Christian and Sikhs (5%) are the principal targets of Brahminical persecution. Persecuted victims not getting angry : And the perpetrators of this mindless violence are 15%. Brahminical rulers – guided by their 3% Brahmin mentors. All these things have been repeated many times in DV and outside. Why the victims of Brahminical persecution and violence are not getting angry? Wherever we go, we have raised this question and answered it in our speeches. But this is the first time we are dealing with this perplexing puzzle in an Editorial. Brahminism as oppressor: We have the answer and this answer needs to be seriously discussed by our family members and we need the feedback. In the first half of the year 2006, we visited many North Indian centres and met a wide variety of Dalits, Muslims and BCs as well. We visited Bihar, UP, Kerala and spent many days and met the victims of Brahminism. All the victims we met were unanimous in pointing out the Brhmnisms as their tormentors. All of them blamed only the Brahmins for all their sufferings. In other words, the Brahmins and their Brahminism are identified as the cause of their suffering. That means the victims have identified their principal oppressor. If this is true and the Dalits- the worst victims of Brahminism-have identified the enemy oppressor, why they have not taken the next step of fighting the oppressor? The practitioners of Brahminism are just 3% vaidiks. But they are cool, careless, unperturbed. They are not at all worried that having been identified they will be targeted. Secret of vaidik confidence: What is the secret of their over-confidence? The vaidiks are not disguised. They are an easily identifiable people- proudly displaying their cross-thread and ethnic identity on their very person. The enemy-oppressor is not at all hiding. It is openly moving and every victim of Brahminical oppression can easily identify the enemy. Yet why no vaidik is bothered? Has any victim of Brahminism thought about this million dollar mystery? This leader deals with this mysterious question. What is the mystery? The mystery is the vaidik knows that his victims may hate him but at the same time the very victims are all in deep love with the gods he has created and the Brahminical religion (called Hinduism) which he has sold them. Dalits, Adivasis, Backward Castes- the three principal segments constituting over 65% of the Indian population of over 1,000 million- have been fully hinduised (enslaved). They may hate the Brahmin gods. Compiled by Chakradhar Hadke
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 19:03:05 +0000

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