YOU DESIRE TO LOOK MORE YOUTHFUL? SLOW DOWN ON THESE 5 FOODS Last month I saw this friend of mine wearing a T shirt with the bold inscription, FOREVER YOUNG. She is actually in the prime of her youth. That boastful, ecstatic age bracket when you almost feel eternal. You hardly think of death; and you look at the old & aged with near pitiful disdain. I was at that age too. Somewhere between ages16 and 26. In that bracket, I always felt on top of the world. I felt invincible. I felt eternal. I read my friends inscription on her T shirt & laughed at her in derision. Old age is a natural force we all eventually have to submit to. Even though the human body has tremendous capacity to renew itself thereby enabling us to live Forever Young, we eat stuff & maintain lifestyle that eventually speed up our descent to old age with all its implications of wrinkles, hair loss, stiff & painful joints, impaired eyesight, low energy level etc etc. Aging is a natural phenomenon we all experience, from birth to death. Though we all eventually age due to how we live our lives, there are those who age faster than others. According to science, there’s a difference between chronological age and biological age. That means you can be 50 years old and have the body of a 40 year old. You have met someone that not only looks 10 years younger, but has tremendous energy and stamina. You have also seen someone that looks and acts much too old for his real age. So what’s the deal? Is it genetics? I know it sounds like the most reasonable answer. But genetics have very little to do with how fast or slow you age. Believe it or not, YOU have way more control over the aging process than you think. If you’re looking to ensure you look and feel as radiant and as healthy and youthful as you possibly can, here are 5 foods and drinks you may want to stay away from, as they will literally add years to your complexion, & get you look older. Sugary drinks – Sugary drinks are absolutely horrendous for our health and are not much better for our complexions either. Sugary drinks rot our teeth, and can make us look and feel older than we actually are. The reason for this is that when the sugar gets into our bloodstreams, it combines with different compounds, including proteins such as those that are naturally found within our skin’s natural collagen stores. This can then cause the skin to become inflamed, brittle, fragile, and much looser than usual. Excess sugar can also lead to an increase in body fat, which makes us look much unhealthier too. Trans fats – Trans fats are awful for our skin and our health in general and should be avoided like the plague. Trans fats are found in processed foods, especially baked goods such as pre-packaged cakes, biscuits, and buns etc. The reason why they’re bad for our skin is that they can help produce free radicals that damage the skin, as well as our health as well. Processed products – Processed foods also contribute towards the production of free radicals, which is why they’re considered so unhealthy. Free radicals can actually damage healthy cells and molecules within our bodies, which in turn can lead to a whole variety of nastiness. The reason they lead to premature aging is that they try to bind themselves to healthy skin cells and molecules, causing the once healthy cells and molecules to become damaged and unhealthy. These cells suffer on the inside, and we pay the price on the outside as well. Fast food – Fast food is packed full of artificial chemicals, additives, preservatives, trans fats, and processed ingredients that do us no good in the slightest. These fats can cause our arteries to tighten and contract, causing the skin to appear dull and stiff. There are also no real nutrients found in these foods, so the skin and body in general are simply not getting what they need. Salty foods – Sodium, or salt as you probably know it, is actually beneficial for our bodies, in just the right amounts. Too much salt however, can lead to an increase in blood pressure, it can damage our kidneys, and it can draw water out of cells in our bodies, including those found within our skin, which can cause the skin to look, loose, saggy, dry, and unhealthy. Avoid large quantities of excessively salty foods, and try not to over season your foods either. Choose to use sea salt, even though that is also in moderation. The body has the capacity to be forever young through the renewal process of cell replacements, but our diet and lifestyle deprive us all of this grand opportunity. However, we can slow down the aging process by making the right food choices and right lifestyle choices. We shall keep our focus on the aging issue for the next one month, writing on the science of the aging process, what to eat to slow it down etc etc. What do you think?
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 05:00:53 +0000

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