YOU HAVE TO FIGHT AND DEFEAT THE GOLIATH OF YOUR DESTINY SO AS TO FULFILL YOUR DESTINY. Every great destiny has a GOLIATH, a stronger force or a stronger man preventing that destiny from being fulfilled. David had to slay his goliath to get to the throne. Even though he was anointed, he could not ascend the throne except he brings his Goliath down. 1st Samuel 17. What is the Goliath standing against the fulfillment of your glorious destiny? Just one direct word from God can subdue that Goliath forever. David killed his Goliath with one stone, although he had five but the first one was more than enough because it was the right one God needed to back him in that battle. Your Goliath is responsible for the consistent delays, disappointments and failures you may have been experiencing. But it is the set-time for you to experience your TOTAL VICTORY. Please understand that it was not the ordinary stone that killed Goliath, it was the words that David spoke before releasing the stone that did the job. What are you constantly saying in the face of challenges. What you say before releasing the word of the LORD is what will kill that giant that has over-powered you. David simply gave a testimony of how God delivered him from the beer and the lion in the past before he released the stone. Your past testimonies is what activates the present testimony. God has done something for you in the past before, keep saying it in the presence of that unchanging challenge and it will end in the precious name of Jesus Christ. Let your words be filled with testimonies from today in Jesus name. Isaiah 8:20. Just as they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and with the words of their testimonies, as you keep thinking and sharing testimonies, you will keep overcoming in Jesus Mighty name.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 16:33:28 +0000

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