YOU KNOW NOTHING YET; IF YOU DONT KNOW GODS MESSIANIC KABBALAH WISDOM! (1Corinthians 8:2) God the Father via Christ, called Lope Columna of the Philippines to execute or preach His Counsel, which is the TRUE GOSPEL of the Messianic Kabbalah Wisdom (Isaiah 46:11, Matthew 24:14). This greatest revelation of the End-Time is very important, because it is an strict requirement for Salvation, without which no one will be saved at the return of Christ! Everyone is now given the opportunity to have the right Knowledge of Salvation which was never taught by the Churches because this precious Knowledge was hidden for thousands of years. Dont ever neglect, reject, or mock this supernal revelations from Heaven! Otherwise, you will be destroyed on or before the return of Christ! ======================================================== Every Pastor, Preacher, Bible Teacher, and Bible Student must realize that there are 4 LEVELS of Bible Understanding that one must be able to complete to qualify for Salvation at Christs return. This is called PARDES -- the method and intention used in writing and interpreting the Bible Scriptures by the original Bible authors, as they were inspired by the Holy Spirit (2Timothy 3:16-17). IF YOU DONT REACH THE SOD LEVEL OF PARDES, WHICH IS THE MESSIANIC KABBALAH WISDOM, YOU KNOW NOTHING AT ALL! AND YOU FAIL TO ENTER BACK TO THE GARDEN OF EDEN! Most Christians and Jews were able to go up only to the 2nd level (Remez) of Bible understanding. Some were able to go up to the 3rd level (Derash). But according to God’s standard, when you don’t reach the 4th level (SOD), which is the Messianic Kabbalah Level, you don’t really know God the Father, Jesus Christ, and their Bible! In other words, if you don’t know Messianic Kabbalah Wisdom, you know nothing at all (1Corinthians 8:2)! If any man thinks that he knows anything, HE KNOWS NOTHING YET as he ought to know. (1Cor 8:2 MKJV) The Apostle Paul was given the supernal Messianic Kabbalah Wisdom and he studied it (2Peter 3:15-16); therefore, he was able to know God the Father and Jesus Christ personally. Everyone OUGHT TO KNOW MESSIANIC KABBALAH for him/her to really know God the Father and Jesus Christ, which is a requirement for someone to be given Salvation and Eternal Life ((John 17:3). THIS IS ETERNAL LIFE, THAT THEY SHOULD KNOW YOU, the only True God, AND HIM WHOM YOU SENT, YESHUA THE MESSIAH. (Joh 17:3 HNV) This means that if you fail to know and invest in Gods Messianic Kabbalah, you are an unprofitable servant; and all the years, efforts, tithes, offerings, donations, religious activities, and Church services you have done in your life will just go to wastes and nothingness, because YOU WILL NOT BE SAVED at Christs return! All you can do at that time is WEEP AND GNASH YOUR TEETH (Matthew 25:30, Luke 13:28). https://youtube/watch?v=hazjzk0maM4
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 19:57:55 +0000

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