YOU KNOW YOURE A HAM IF.... • You buy black electrical tape - TopicsExpress


YOU KNOW YOURE A HAM IF.... • You buy black electrical tape in ten packs. Five packs are just fine! • Youve stripped wire with your teeth. Which explains the state of my dental health at present! • Youve told your son that, One-day, all this will be yours... and he doesnt respond. The daughters aren’t too hot on the idea either. • Youd rather help a buddy put up a new tower than mow the lawn. I’d rather the buddy helped me put up the tower on MY lawn! • Youve grabbed the wrong end of a soldering iron. No, but I laid my hand on one leaning over a table once. • You start giving out RST reports when you are on the telephone. Not RST…Just RS reports…It’s PHONE, after all! • The propagation forecast means far more to you than the local weather forecast. Been trying to get “The Weather Channel” to add the propagation forecast for years. • The microphone or visual aids at a meeting dont work and you rush up to the front to fix it. When you the one best able to fix it…Sure! • You tell the XYL, when she notices a new rig in the shack, why that has been there for years. I go one further…The XYL stays out of the Shack, I stay out of her “Ladies Home Journal” • Your watch is set only to UTC. And yours isn’t…?!?! • At night, when you pray, it starts off something like: CQ CQ CQ GOD DE (your call sign). As long as he responds “K4YZ de GOD, Bulletin follows…” at 18 words-per-minute or faster. • You ever had to patch your roof after an antenna project. OK…I missed this one. I was smart enough to not run antennas on or over roof! • Ham radio magazines comprise more than 50% of your bathroom library. Thank-God for TWO bathrooms, or I’d HAVE to look at the “Ladies Home Journal” aforementioned! • You ever put a GPS tracker in the XYLs car, just so you could watch her on APRS. OK..That’s two I missed, but I did set my Yaesu ARTS mode to ring when she was near. Does that count? • You and the XYL took a cruise so you could visit the radio room. Ahhhhhhhhh…Yup….. • You ever tapped out HI in Morse on your car horn to another ham. …AND carried out a short QSO on the horn! • You ever had an antenna fall down. Have you ever had one that fell UP…?!?! • Your teenager refuses to ride in your car because it looks like a porcupine. There’s always bicycles, walking and bus passes… • You know the Latitude and Longitude of your home QTH. N35 11 44, W86 06 25 • You go into the local Radio Shack store and the clerk asks you where something is. Naaaaaaah…I prefer to watch them squirm around a bit looking for that “PL-259” while I stand there and snicker!
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 23:00:57 +0000

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