YOU MAY HAVE BEEN REJECTED BY MEN BUT GOD IS PROJECTING YOU FOR A HIGHER HEIGHT: NO MORE LIMITS TO YOUR DESTINY If Jesus Christ could be rejected at Nazareth by his own family or hometown peoples, what made you think that, your gifts and talents maybe celebrated among your kinsmen? And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief. Matthew 13:58 Most often than not, your gifts and talents are appreciated and celebrated more outside than those inside because of familiarity and unbelief. Don’t be upset about it. Discover other positive ways to use your gifts to be a blessing to others, who will appreciate and value the gifts of GOD on your life. Never in life, allow the rejection of others, hinder you from pursuing your dreams and purpose in life but rather,use it as a positive stepping stone projects you. Dont limits your talents to a specific area only but enlarge and expand to be a blessing all man kind. The world has over 7,268,927 people, who are or may be ready to celebrate your positive impact to human development. Yes; sometimes, it can be very discouraging but you have to learn to focus and think outside the box in order to maximize your potentials in life. The fact that, you are not able to use your talents at a particular location doesnt mean you can’t use is elsewhere. Step up and keep up with what you are born to do, before you leave this planet earth. Your rejection should be a stepping stone, projecting you into your higher height in life. No more limits to your destiny.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 13:46:54 +0000

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