YOU MAY REGRET NOT TAKING THIS SIMPLE EVALUATION. Take it... and share it Spiritual Legacy Evaluation Answer each question by circling the number that best reflects the legacy you have received from your parents, then add your total score. 1. To what degree were spiritual principles incorporated into daily family life? 1 Never 2 Rarely 3 Sometimes 4 Frequently 5 Almost always 6 Consistently 2. Which word captures the tone of how you learned to view / relate to God? 1 Absent 2 Adversarial 3 Fearful 4 Casual 5 Solemn 6 Intimate 3. How would you summarize your family’s level of participation in spiritual activities? 1 Nonexistent 2 Rare 3 Occasional 4 Regimental 5 Active 6 Enthusiastic 4. How were spiritual discussions applied in your home? 1 They weren’t 2 To control 3 To manipulate 4 To teach 5 To influence 6 To reinforce 5. What was the perspective in your home with regard to moral absolutes? 1 If it feels good, do it! 2 There are no absolutes 3 Let your heart guide you 4 Dogmatic legalism 5 Moderate conservatism 6 Clear life boundaries RESULTS: Above 24 - Strong spiritual legacy 19-24 - Healthy legacy 14-18 - Mixed legacy - good and bad 10-13 - Weak spiritual legacy Below 10 - Damaged spiritual legacy If you scored in the upper half of this self-analysis, you are blessed by an outstanding spiritual heritage. Those who receive such a legacy are rare indeed. If your score ended up near the bottom, don’t despair. There are many who have established and passed a wonderful heritage despite falling into this category. Most of us will probably fall somewhere in the middle. As stated earlier, more likely than not, we received a mixed bag. Whatever your specific score, the goal is the same. We hope to better understand our own heritage so that we can keep and pass on the good, and replace the bad with something better. If you are interested in the Emotional and Social Evaluations go to resources at heritagebuildersglobal
Posted on: Sat, 24 May 2014 04:22:44 +0000

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