YOU MEAN FASCIST AMURIKKKA!!! These dangerous, evil, corrupt, - TopicsExpress


YOU MEAN FASCIST AMURIKKKA!!! These dangerous, evil, corrupt, pathological lying, deceitful/violent, sociopathic/psychopathic, regressive/suppressive/oppressive/depressive, unevolved, unenlightened UN-AMERICAN, UN-CHRISTIAN PHONY patriots, PHONY Republicans and PHONY raging HYPOCRITICAL Christian Right/REICH FASCIST AMERICAN TRAITORS/AMERICAN MAFIA/DOMESTIC TERRORISTS erroneously called Republicans evil draconian FASCIST AGENDA.... KEEP EM DUMB...anti-intellectualism and arts/FASCISM, high college costs/no financial aid...KEEP EM POOR, ...low wages, no jobs, no extended un-employment though Im sure they would love to end that as well, anti-unions and a suppressed labor force/FASCISM and KEEP EM SICK AND benefits, no healthcare i.e. OBAMACARE WHICH WORKS, NO FOOD STAMPS/WIC/MEDICARE/MEDICAID, HOUSING ETC ETC. ...THE BETTER FOR THESE REAL WOLVES IN SHEEPS CLOTHING, TO CONTROL THE MASSES, THE 99 PERCENT OF FASCIST AMURIKKKA... REAL CON ARTISTS/BULLSHIT ARTISTS i..e FASCIST BULLSHIT like PRO-LIFE, SMALL GOVERNMENT, FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY..more like fiscal irresponsibility if you ask me and COMPASSIONATE CONSERVATIVE AND MORE!! GOT IT?? Too bad the top Dems arent saying all of this..they havent said one word about this dangerous evil corrupt AMERICAN FASCISM we were forewarned about by our very own Democratic party or even called them FASCISTS/AMERICAN FASCISTS like the top Dems did in the 1930s and 40s...even the late great comic genius George Carlin called them FASCISTS and said they were organized crime just like the late great FDR, our strongest most powerful Dem president said they were. His brilliant visionary VP HENRY A. WALLACE of the PROGRESSIVE party in 1948 said they would claim to be SUPER PATRIOTS i.e. PHONY patriots, would destroy every liberty guaranteed by the Constitution...sure sounds like TREASON to me and their goal is to keep the common man in eternal subjection AND that they would use DECEIT AND VIOLENCE TO ATTAIN THEIR ENDS ..i.e. assassinations in the 60s via the FASCIST MOB connected TRICKY DICK NIXON, the MOB/CIA/FBI..Benghazigate and other assassinations at our embassies...Monicagate was also another of their DIRTY ROTTEN EVIL TRICKS to try and discredit the Clintons and 9/11...the WARREN COMMISSION and WMD..9/11...THEIR TWO BIGGEST BIG FAT LIES .... along with Benghazigate/Monicagate/Watergate and that FASCIST ANTI-LIBERAL WITCH HUNT in the early 1950s erroneously deeming those liberal Jewish artists from liberal Hollywood as COMMIE PINKOS...theyre always pathologically lying and perverting the truth..theyre the masters of cover-ups , deceit and re-writing their history and now trying to re-write American history as theyve already destroyed this once upon a time great democratic republic as we have known it since 1776 with their FASCIST TREASONOUS Citizens United, a HUGE misnomer like the word Republican is... C.UL is FASCISM, the merger of state and corporations/corporate oligarchical rule and TREASON....FASCISM AND TREASON GO HAND IN HAND...the merger of state and church/religion is FASCISM AND TREASON were suppose to have SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE and they erroneously think this is a Christian nation or should be...THATS TREASON...FREEDOM OF RELIGION/FREEDOM FROM RELIGION! There are other ways theyre treasonous as well...why no mention of any of this by the top Dems today...they havent said one word about this dangerous evil corrupt AMERICAN FASCISM we were forewarned about by our very own Democratic party in the 1930s and 40s and they havent called them FASCISTS/AMERICAN FASCISTS like the top Dems did in the 30s and 40s which is here, WRAPPED IN THE FLAG AND CARRYING THE CROSS with its PHONY patriotism, really NATIONALISM as they goosestep around with their PHONY red and blue ties and little hypocritical American flag pins along with their PHONY raging HYPOCRITICAL Christianity and their FASCIST PIG COPS ABOVE..GOOD BYE AMERICA...hello, WILKOMMEN TO FASCIST AMURIKKKA! The dumbing and numbing down of FASCIST AMURIKKKA IS HERE.... still do many asleep at the wheel while we coma!!
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 05:14:35 +0000

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