YOU MIGHT GET CONFUSED and imagine that its by mere coincidence - TopicsExpress


YOU MIGHT GET CONFUSED and imagine that its by mere coincidence that your long lost friends or relatives are (suddenly) re-appearing like a bolt from the blue. They say they have come just to greet you or theyre making a stopover enroute to some place. Its not mere coincidence, its a pre-meditated move. They have a need that theyre as sure as the sunrise you can fulfill and theyre also hoping that youve forgotten the shameful things they said and did to you many years ago. Thats when they were swimming in banknotes, money was as common in their hands as dirt in the dumpsite. They were the talk of the town, Kings and Queens of the Almighty Dollar Republic. The last time you you set eyes on each other is when you had gone to them for a little financial assistance to keep you afloat because you were walking through the valley...It was an effort in futility and you wished you never went to them in the first place. Youve struggled over the years keeping the faith that God will make a way where there seems to be no way. You prayed and fasted but nothing happened but just when you were on the verge of throwing in the towel, God sent some people you had never known before who miraculously lifted you from your financial captivity. Youre unable to hold your tears, tears of joy! Now, youre the talk of the town, when you crack even a wry joke, everybody laughs like theyve seen a cockrel riding on a bicycle. On the other hand, this person(s) who arrogantly refused to help you calling you a lazy dunderhead, has now occupied your past place. Yes! Its a case of The Hunter becoming the Hunted and vise-versa. Thats why he has come to you to ask for a little financial assistance to keep them afloat because tables have turned and they are walking through the valley...And youre now on top of the mountain, whistling a godly praise hymn-all the way to the bank. Nevertheless, because youve been there, done that, and also because youre a God-fearing person; youve opted not to avenge against their past prideful and ruthless acts that they meted on you. Youve listened to their tragic story of how they spent all their millions on unforeseen situations and on oversees high-profile doctors, especially trying to treat a mysterious terminal disease that invaded them, which explains the reason why theyre are confined in a wheel chair. Hence, youve done the needful (unconditionally) and much more than they expected. THATS THE WAY OF THE VALLEYS AND THE MOUNTAINS! Every Dog Has His Day...Do not lift up your horn on high; do not speak with a stiff neck. For promotion comes neither from the east nor from the west nor from the south. But God is the judge; He puts down one, and promotes another. ~Psalm 75:5-7.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 13:42:00 +0000

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