YOU MUST READ THIS!!!! Samantha xavier also known as Mr.X posted - TopicsExpress


YOU MUST READ THIS!!!! Samantha xavier also known as Mr.X posted this on Tumblr: Be aware of the storm Journal #3 This is the next and longest journal. P.S. When I say this is long, I truly mean it. Originally, I was going to publish a few more journals, but because of certain reasons, I’ve decided to just conclude everything in this one. Let’s get on to why you’ve all been waiting and wondering about what this “Larry Storm" is. Well, I’ve told you before that “the storm is not physical, but mental", and most of you got the idea of what I was trying to convey out to all of you. But some of you still refused to see what was right in front of your eyes. Day after day, I was accused of tearing you all apart and being an “attention whore", but that is all false. I was trying to help you all and bring this fandom back together. I know I have gained many followers on twitter, grabbed the attention of Simon and Savan, and other things. But that is because of you guys! You guys are tweeting about me, you got me trending WORLDWIDE. I did not ask for that, you did it. You came together to do that. That is what I was going for. Now onto the storm. I have read countless theories on the whole situation, and I must say, I was surprised at some of the things I had read. All of them have intrigued me. You all spent so much time on it and the things you came up with was incredible. Honestly, many of them were correct and did express the goal I wanted to achieve. If you have been reading some of the theories that have been posted, you would have realized that a similar interest is the idea that YOU are the storm. That is correct. And I know that most of you will probably disagree with this and say that I’m the storm, but I am not. Remember that I said that “the storm was not physical, but mental." The way people act, the words people say or write, the things people do.. Those are all the reasons that this fandom is the storm. I have had the first-hand experience as to how this fandom is, all in the course of about a week or so. If you had read my previous journal, you would know how I was treated and how I categorized them. I am thankful for all the people who have been kind to me throughout this all. As for the people who treated me poorly… I am digusted by you. Why send me hate when you don’t even know me and all I have been trying to do is help you? I have done NOTHING wrong to any of you. I have been nothing but helpful, good, and a friend to you all. For a fandom that is supposed to be a “family", you sure don’t act like it. And if you are a family, you are the most dsyfunctional family I have ever seen. Now let me ask you some questions. Why do you choose to send one another hate? Why do some of you choose to act like you are better than another person? Why do you choose to be influenced by what another person says? Have you realized that all those questions have to do with choices? They are all choices YOU make. You CHOOSE to send hate to other people. You CHOOSE to act like you are better than everyone else. You CHOOSE to be followers, instead of leaders. Your choices have made this fandom turn into what it is today. YOU did it. And I am not trying to put any of you down or make you seem like bad people. I just want you all to realize what you are doing before you tear this fandom apart to the point where it can’t be fixed. You turned this storm into a bigger situation than it was meant to be. YOU DID. Not me. I never wanted all the attention. You got me this attention. You put the spotlight onto me and onto yourselves. This is all “fake". There is no ACTUAL storm. None of the boys are going to be hurt. They never were going to be hurt. And all the things saying they were.. THEY WERE NOT FROM ME. They were from other people IN THE FANDOM, who decided to hurt other people by saying those things. YOU guys took it too far. YOU guys are hurting yourselves. YOU. You’ve all join the fandom because of a common interest… One Direction. Those five boys have brought you together. And how do you respond? By tearing youselves apart, and also hurting the boys, their friends, and their families in the process. You already know some reasons as to why you are tearing youselves apart, but there’s more. Everything you say or think affects people. The biggest examples is the “molds" you have given 1D and the “ships or otps". Let’s start with the ships. I know all of the ships you guys have. But why is it such a big deal? Why does one ship HAVE to be better than another? Why can’t they just all be of the same importance? Why? Cause YOU CHOOSE to have it that way. I get the idea, you like how two people look or act together, but what makes it your decision to decide if it’s good or not? The boys can do whatever they want and date whoever they want, it is THEIR choice. Not yours. But with you guys pushing all the ships, you hurt the boys, and also their friends and families. One of the biggest ship problems have to do with Larry and Elounor. Why is it such a problem though? Larry should not be shipped as a romance, but as a bromance, which is the way Harry and Louis would want it, especially since Louis seems pretty happy with Eleanor. They are in love, whether you want to believe it or not. Don’t ruin that by pushing a “bromance" that probably won’t ever turn into a “romance". And I am not saying the “Larry BROMANCE" isn’t real, because it is. All the bromances are real. But if you keep pushing the “Larry ROMANCE", you will only hurt the boys more. You will also continue distress upon their families and friends, who are also trying to help you realize these things. And while we are on the topic of their friends and families.. I know some of you send hate to friends and families when they express their opinions.. Please don’t do that. It’s not right. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. You don’t have to like it, but you don’t have the right to judge them for it. Now onto the molds you make for these boys. Obviously, for the most part, you all think One Direction are five perfect boys with no flaws at all. You are wrong. No one is perfect. Perfection doesn’t exist. You are all putting way too much pressure on these boys to be perfect. I am pretty sure management already puts enough of it on them, they do not need anymore from their fans on top of that. I know you all wish they were your boyfriends, husbands, friends, etc. I know you all think they are your soulmates or true loves, but they aren’t. Just please understand that. They aren’t GODS. They are regular guys. Normal people, just like you. But some of you have these high standards and put pressure on them to achieve them and even go beyond that. Remember the Red & Black performance? Remeber when Harry messed up and thought he failed you all? He thought that because of how much pressure you all put on him and the rest of the boys to be perfect. And I am not saying it was only you, because you all know he was sent hate. But that’s not the point. The point is you should let them be THEM. If you let them be, I am pretty sure they will still try to be perfect for you, no matter what. Also, this situation was NEVER supposed to be as serious as you all claimed it to be. You all jumped off the cliff, I never pushed you off. It was supposed to be a simple lesson for this fandom to come together again. But you all chose to make it a game. People going on acting like they were Mr.X .. scaring people with false things. I’ve seen some of the “omegle chats with Mr.X", and I must say, it scared me. You all said things that involved death and other things. Is that what you want for the people you idolize? Is that what you want to happen to those five boys you love so dearly? You all took it too far. You scared yourselves. You believe every little thing. Everything I said was never as scary as some of the things imposters have said. That’s because I am on YOUR side. I never wanted to scared you or hurt you. I just wanted to help you. Whatever BAD or DRAMA that has come out of this, was because of YOU. And I will admit, I did help start some of it, so it is partially my fault. But the ones who are most to blame are you all. Have you realized what you all have done and are still doing yet? You’re hurting yourselves. You’re ruining the fandom yourselves. Take this as a reality-check. Make changes. Fix yourselves. FIX THE FANDOM. Hαkuɴα Mαtαtαღ
Posted on: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 13:56:51 +0000

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