YOU MUST TAKE THE TIME TO WATCH THIS! Introduction The Rev. - TopicsExpress


YOU MUST TAKE THE TIME TO WATCH THIS! Introduction The Rev. Dr. Christopher Hershman Rene Descartes, the Father of Modern Philosophy most famously wrote, I think, therefore I am. However, today when we think, feel, express ourselves, our thoughts and emotions, we are not free. And everything we think, say or do is used to further enslave us. My lifelong study of theology, psychology and family systems has drawn me to be very critical of the big data corporate system and the essential toxic characteristics of such a system. Ive considered writing a book describing the characteristics of the big data system and why I have concerns. In my own experience I have seen how the system for everyone to conform to the unwritten yet required norms, rules and values to which the system demands absolute allegiance and conformity. As a clergyman, I experienced how denominational systems could transform themselves into despotic power structures. These power structures demand rejection of the true Christian faith and actual teachings of the Bible for new, supposedly enlightened teachings. The clergy and laity are indoctrinated with the new idolatry, blind conformity becoming the basic requirement for participation. Those unwilling to to submit to such alarming distortions are recriminated or expelled. As an American citizen I have been horrified to see the rights and freedoms of American citizens eroded and lost, as the platforms of all political parties are amalgamated into idolatrous ideological dogmas directly opposed to the founding ideals of this constitutional republic. The big data corporate system has redefined and transformed the texts of both the Bible - from the only norm for faith and life - and the Constitution of United States of America - from the supreme law of the land - to supposedly living and breathing documents which are reinterpreted in sharp conflict with the values, ideals and intentions of their authors. As is typically the case with any relational or family system, powerful psychological dynamics subtly undergird system and the values which are integral to the system, albeit supremely toxic and dysfunctional. However, all who come in contact with the system tacitly and subtly become captive to the dynamics of the big data corporate. system. And those who have authority, power and responsibility within the system control not only the functioning of the system, but even the definition of the vocabulary and language in which discussion of the system and its toxic dynamics can take place. This dynamic ultimately becomes the reason why those who participate the church and are citizens of the nation can so easily reject their core values and embrace such outrageous toxicity. The difficulty with which the participants in the system can even become aware of such dynamics, and actually see that something tremendously wrong has occurred is quite profound. This is why the church has often become a game to be played within which no true relationship with true Christianity can be observed except for an awareness of the rigid and seemingly mindless conformity to apparently the empty ritualization of certain practices or ideals. Church members mindlessly continue to go through the motions, or perhaps even drift away without even knowing why, yet feel a profound sense of fear, anger, shame and hopelessness. This same dynamic is paralleled in the political realm where we find ourselves questioning how American citizens can continue to accept the erosion of basic individual rights and freedoms without taking a stand. In the same manner as within the church, Americans mindlessly continue to simply go through the motions, and those of us who are outraged find ourselves experiencing a deep level of frustration, incorporating fear, anger, shame and hopelessness. Please watch the following video in its entirety. I wish I could use my professional skills to address our human condition. I wish I could simply write a book. Unfortunately, the problem is so clearly beyond my comprehension, I doubt whether anyone has the ability to theologically, psychologically and systemically address the evil in which we live. It is so ominous that it is beyond any merely mortal repair. Any hope we have can only be found within the realm of God and faith. The enormity of the problem is beyond that of just the big data corporate system. The revelations of supposed traitor Edward Snowden likely just scratched the surface. Endless demands for more and more data collection and observation with regard to police and other records, telephone and email communications, postings to social media, bank records, purchases, religious affiliations, thoughts and ideas are not simply ways to keep us safer or mere marketing requests. When a police officer can look at his computer screen and decide to shoot or arrest you based upon his personal appraisal of your religious and cultural values and political beliefs we have a serious political and religious problem. And as pointed out in the video, simply trying to remove yourself from the tyrannical system even makes you more suspect. Under such circumstances there no longer can be any life as usual. How do we continue to go forward as a people? Its much like asking, Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play? Meanwhile, this video doesnt even address numerous issues such as the New World order, the illuminati, the imminent collapse of our monetary system, etc. However, the first step to changing anything is being made aware of the problem. The second step is to conceive of a plan to address the problem, and the third step is to actually take action steps to change. From the Bible we know that the very first human sin is idolatry and the desire to be like God. Every other sin is the result of that very basic and idolatrous sin against God. So we must begin by looking inwardly into our hearts, acknowledge and see the depth of our own personal darkness. Benjamin Franklin wrote that those willing to sacrifice freedom for the sake of security deserve neither. At the conclusion of the constitutional convention Franklin also says that the framers have design of republic if we could keep it. The ominous danger today is not just that we have apparently not been able to keep the republic but that we have also lost our souls. In 1969 the rock band the Moody Blues produced an album entitled On the Threshold of a Dream. It opened with the following dialogue: In The Beginning [First Man:] I think, I think I am, therefore I am, I think. [Establishment:] Of course you are my bright little star, Ive miles And miles Of files Pretty files of your forefathers fruit and now to suit our great computer, Youre magnetic ink. [First Man:] Im more than that, I know I am, at least, I think I must be. [Inner Man:] There you go man, keep as cool as you can. Face piles And piles Of trials With smiles. It riles them to believe that you perceive the web they weave And keep on thinking free.... activistpost/2014/12/police-pre-crime-algorithm-uses-social.html
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 15:26:50 +0000

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