YOU NEED A PERSONAL ENCOUNTER WITH JESUS There are many questions - TopicsExpress


YOU NEED A PERSONAL ENCOUNTER WITH JESUS There are many questions in you,there are insecurity in all daily walk and duties for the Lord.But all the shadows will depart after an encounter with Jesus.What do I mean by Personal Encounter with Jesus ? I mean knowing Jesus by yourself. Is all begins with a hunger to draw nearer to Him.Seek Him as you are seeking money,fame,education,marriage,children,and greener pasture.Is a quest that drives us to have what He has and to see our lives in His eyes.You begin to walk with Him and pray daily to show you His glory.Ask Him to tell you of your wickedness without assuming that you are doing right. The Lord want us to see Him and walk with Him in a level of excellency with power and knowledge that no body might have walked with Him before..God want to correct us Himself.He will rebuke you and correct you as you hunger and thirst after Him.. , What is the greatest desire of a Christian? Throughout Scripture, the great men and women of God say that their passion is to truly know Him. Moses says to God: I pray You show me Your glory (Exodus 33:18). David prays: As the deer pants for the water brooks, so my soul pants for You, O God (Psalm 42:1). And Paul says that his heart longs to know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings (Philippians 3:10). The greatest desire of a true Christian is to know God. Every other desire pales in significance to this one. Did you know that it’s possible to be a Christian and not really know God? John 14:8-9 tells us that Philip, after following Jesus for a number of years, says to Him, Lord, show us the Father. And Jesus replied, Have I been so long with you, and yet you have not come to know Me? Maybe the problem is the word KNOW. When the Bible talks about knowing God, it’s not referring to a merely intellectual exercise. Knowing God does not mean knowing facts about God. To know God is not just reciting His biblical resume or hearing testimony of what He has done in someone else’s life. Knowing God involves encountering Him and finding out that He is who He says He is. It might seem surprising that Paul says he wants to know God in Philippians 3:10; after all, he knew all about God from his intense training in the Law and his lofty stature in the Jewish community. In Philippians 3:4-7, Paul explains that he met all the religious qualifications of the day, and he was at the apex of Jewish leadership. Paul knew all about God, but Paul did not know God until he met Jesus face to face on the road to Damascus. Paul’s life changed because God revealed Himself to Paul, not because Paul had all the right answers. That’s why Paul says we should have no confidence in the flesh (v. 3). In order to truly know God, Paul says: Whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ (v. 7). Paul had to be willing to turn his back on his human accomplishments in order to gain knowledge of Christ. He continues: More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord (v. 8). Paul uses the present tense verb count here, indicating that this is occurring in his life at the time of his writing. This shows us that even after the moment of his salvation, Paul continues to put the things of the world far below his priority of knowing Jesus Christ. This is an example of sanctification-what started at the cross with salvation continues to influence the way we live. Christ becomes a Christian’s greatest passion; knowing Him is the Christian’s number one priority. The Power of Knowing Christ Paul says that he longs to know Christ and the power of His resurrection. This power is the same force that brought Jesus to die on the cross and raised Him from the Cross.We have this power to live our lives on everyday basis.But unless we search for Him we will not find him.Knowing Christ and the power of His resurrection means that you live a resurrected life yourself. If you have been hanging around with Christ long enough and you know His resurrection, His resurrection rubs off on you so that what you touch catches His fire. Paul says he wants to have this resurrected kind of life. His focus is on knowing Christ because Christ’s power will enable him to overcome the power of sin in the flesh.The Pain of Sharing His Suffering Most people walk their dogs on leashes. Or rather, the dogs walk the people by dragging them along behind! But when a dog and his master have a close, tight relationship, that master doesnt even need a leash to keep the dog close. The relationship keeps the dog close by his side. He doesnt have to pull or tug the dog because the dog doesnt want to escape and doesnt want distance to come between him and his master. He wants to be close. This should be our desire as well-to know Him, to be close to Him, to want to know His power. In order to know the power of Christ’s resurrection, Paul tells us that we have to know the fellowship of Christ’s sufferings. Everybody is perfectly willing to experience the good stuff-the benefits-of knowing Christ. But only a true follower will understand and experience the fellowship of His suffering. The reality is that living for Jesus isnt easy. The closer you get to Christ, the greater an enemy you become to Satan. In trials we often ask, Why is this happening to me? Very often, the reason behind our trials is that God will take us to the next level of intimacy with Him as we trust Him and grow in Him Please turn to Him and He will draw nearer to you. Listen to this for more principles https://youtube/watch?v=ES4A3DJiljI
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 13:21:58 +0000

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