YOU NEED TO THANK GOD. “There is no man that hath power over - TopicsExpress


YOU NEED TO THANK GOD. “There is no man that hath power over the spirit to retain the spirit; neither hath he power in the day of death: and there is no discharge in that war; neither shall wickedness deliver those that are given to it.” Ecclesiastes 8:8. No matter how you look at it, you owe God an unending thanksgiving and appreciation with praises and worship for the fact that you are still among the living at the moment. Firstly, there is nothing in you outside the Lord that qualifies you for a continuous living because in this very week alone millions of better people than you have died: Among these departed souls are your age-mates, those older and younger than you, some were more prayerful than you, some were more powerful, richer, more beautiful or handsome than you, some were sick, some healthier than you, some had people who cared so much for them and some had no man, some knew what to do to say alive, all these are to no avail to keep them alive. Only God decisively keeps death away from you. “John answered and said, A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven.” John 3:27.Your life is a gift from God and you need to appreciate Him for this because it has never been by your might nor by your power that you remain alive but by His grace. Whatever you think God has not done, you are able to know it because you are alive. I think you should add your WORD of Thanksgiving, Appreciation and Praises to the Lord for what He has done for you here if you need a change of testimony. As you praise and thank Him, He will perfect whatever needs perfection in your life in Jesus name. Let the living praise the Lord…
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 23:36:03 +0000

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