YOU OBJECT TO MUSLIMS TAKING SLAVES 14 CENTURIES AGO? --------------------- Those who object and get astonished to the concept of slave women or war booty being as women, horses, cattle, etc that existed back then have failed to use their brains ; which if they did would really help them understand the very same scenario ALSO applies today. Replace 1) Horses with cars , roads, infrastructure confiscated by the western Army today after invading Muslims lands under the false pretext of battling terrorism produced by CNN 2) Replace Cattle and farms with lands and houses , real estate establishments , gold mines , factories , Oil wells and etc 3) Replace crop land confiscation with control over Food Supplies such as Oil , minerals and other diplomatic immunity including import and export 4) Replace children slaves with child employment, racial discrimination , biased hiring, deprivement of justice and equality. women stay the same (with the numerous rapes, eve teasing and what not committed by western forces in all the Muslim lands as well even in ally lands like Japan as recently aired this year) with some minor outwardly changes. So this concept of war booty and slavery existed even before Moses (pbuh) was born, especially in the Christian crusader history. See - Timeline for the Crusades and Christian Holy War to c.1350 - COMPILED BY DR. RICHARD ABELS Back then the prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) enlisted no less than at-least 15 different major rules completely OPPOSING the barbaric millennium rules instilled for slaves. So much so that if one truly has the intellect to study the slave conditions and right will say that apart from mind boggling rights and virtue given by Islam, it makes it impossible to distinguish if the slave was his cousin or merely a hired employee and in Many cases these very slaves would be the Imaams (leaders) of thousands if not more in Islamic studies. Islam is the only (i repeat O.N.L.Y) religion to provide slave rights, to abolish slavery, to treat them in a way which even U.S.A failed to do a few decades ago (1968) and many advanced countries today suffer from racism (see Italys black minister was thrown bananas at few weeks ago and a million tweets criticizing the india/arab looking american for winning a beauty contest and the never ending racism in usa and uk till date) Without any offence - Youd be called a dumb retarded guy if youd go into an Apple store and want to buy an I-pod in exchange for 2 KG of barley, and similarly youd be called worse if back then youd leave off the war booty (including women) which every and any kingdom, people, tribe considered as their rightful earning and had no problem in acquiring as they were the very standard norms back then So increase your IQ, Just because you like the NEW Mercedes today doesnt mean those who liked horse-carts years ago were crazy. They had their time and you have yours. Yet in such an advanced era we see military invaders raping at their will and stealing Oil and employment at their will without many of these islamaphobes speaking about or against it. HOW MANY OF THEM HAVE OBJECTED TO THESE ATROCITIES? How would you feel if i entered your house in 2014, destroyed your furniture as a token of democracy and eventually raped your sisters and wives because i was too stressed out (as many soldiers were excused by pentagon)? But how many of you object to this openly? Yet you whine about what happened centuries ago which btw was completely acceptable and normal back then ? Some people mere hate because they have no better thing to do
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 14:02:00 +0000

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