YOU, STAND DOWN, THIS WALL, OUR WALL, FOR US-ALL: youtube/watch?v=hopNAI8Pefg June 12, 2012 Justice Conseulo Marshall United States District Court 312 North Spring Street, Room G-8 Los Angeles, Calif. 90012 Re: George Bush’s People v. Bonas, Case No. SCD159416 (San Diego Sup. Ct.) Judge Marshall, This adds to showings dated 01-09-12, 01-11-12, 01-15-12 and 01-20-12, as ordered: I. County State WIC Law Troop Enforcer’s Testimony The following are excerpts of the certified transcript, knitted with some basic psychological authorities about “social deviance” in the white collar, “Brand Name Firm” and state “law enforcement officer” context. From FBI records, the state court and prosecutors’ trooper Chris H. Blair verified: I, Chris Blair, “Learned” the charges in this double matter were dismissed September 17, 2003, notation reading noted “Mistrial dismissed barred by double jeopardy.” FBI interviewed 12 lawyers …. Hale, Stone, Howarth, Dan Mogin, David Noonan, e.g.: Q. During the course of your FBI investigation, did you interview David Noonan of Post, Kirby, Noonan & Sweat in San Diego? A. Yes. Q. On what date did that interview first take place? A. On April 6, 2001. I, Chris H. Blair, below present a synopsis of some of the FBI’s 12 interviews: a. The “Bonas” - Source of Information On January 21, 2004, the undersigned interviewed Bonas at the Hall of Justice. “I made a series of communications both e-mail and telephonic to lawyers involved in the … case, … as well as additional lawyers that I have worked with over the years. Some of those communications were of a threatening business nature. There was a conspiracy within a conspiracy within a conspiracy. Everybody including my co-counsel were involved and at the center stage of it. He explained that David Noonan was defense counsel for Wall Street’s Ralphs. He said, “… he was covering up a [major criminal Wall Street] conspiracy. I proved that he was covering up the conspiracy and lying about that in court.” I tried to settle it with him.” “I was stone sober during that period.” As of late December, 2003 he still thinks the lawyers are involved in a conspiracy against him. In particular he states, “What’s really going on here is obvious, particularly in light of the fact that if I-Cop to a felony in the San Diego action I-walk. The truth is that this politically motivated Bar B Q of me needs my plea to or conviction of a felony, which cannot be proved, to get what it is really after: My license to practice law.” b. The Complainer’s - Source of Information On record, Noonan’s Chain client people said, verbatim: I am very appreciative of the way the DA handled this whole thing. On January 23, 2004, I, Chris H. Blair, sent packets to David Noonan, Dan Mogin and William Lerach. On February 18, 2004, the undersigned left phone messages for all three men. Later that day, [after discussing “IT” with Noonan] Dan Mogin returned the call. He explained, “He disrupted my practice.” For all of our peace of minds he shouldn’t be allowed to be a practicing lawyer, especially in San Diego County.” Mogin will not be appearing … because he says he has a prior commitment. On February 20, 2004, I, Court’s County-State Trooper Chris H. Blair, spoke with David Noonan, who says, “He found the behavior … surprising. He had a lot of people on edge …. It was pretty disconcerting.” He reported the firm hired a security guard …. I am not out to stick it to him. He has spent a lot of time in custody. This was very … scary.” Regarding an appearance, he said, “I would be happy to appear if I need to. I am very appreciative of the way the DA handled this whole thing. I don’t want to seem like I don’t care, but I don’t have a particular desire to be present ….” On February 23, 2004, I, Chris H. Blair, called Mr. Lerach again. His secretary said Lerach was out of the country. She agreed to ask him to call the next time he was in touch. II. Name Correction As a legal housekeeping matter, the state, its troops and its court in San Diego has been repeatedly put on actual notice that Cash Joseph Bonas is a nick or alias name, not a legal name. All of the actors involved have insistently refused their duty to insert my sole legal name. III. Closing The developing situation here seems to be a deep rooted resistance to being reminded of rules and mal-acts in the regular course of contract trafficking federal citizens. I conclude the identified state actors do not have any respect for internal affair checks and balances designed to insure compliance with rudimentary social mores defined by rules of engaging federal officers. All of the dated state acts presented were state-county franchise agent acts targeted at a federal executive and court officer, which they may have forgotten. See attached Northern District. It is now conclusive that uneducated and mal-legally trained so called state law enforcement staff retaliate by taking prisoner those remind them, orally and in writing, of rules learned in high school. For example, one report correctly notes that I said: If you want some reading lessons … about the letter I wrote about the three of you … I’m happy to do that, because there is no reason that we can’t get along. Mogin-Noonan’s County-State Troops’ – ASSAULTING A FEDERAL OFFICER - Me 18 U.S.C. 111 makes it a Federal crime or offense for anyone to forcibly assault a Federal officer while the officer is engaged in the performance of his official duties. A person can be found guilty of the offense of assaulting a Federal officer only if all of the following facts are proved beyond a reasonable doubt: First: That the person forcibly assaulted the person described in the indictment; Second: That the person assaulted was a Federal officer as described above, then engaged in the performance of his official duty, as charged; and Third: That the person did such acts knowingly and willfully. It is not necessary to show that the person knew the person being forcibly assaulted was, at that time, a Federal officer carrying out an official duty so long as it is established beyond a reasonable doubt that the victim was, in fact, a Federal officer acting in the course of his duty and that the person willfully committed a forcible assault upon him. a. Social Deviance Sociologist Edwin Sutherland introduced the concept of white-collar crime in 1939, defining it as an offense committed by “the upper, white-collar class, which is composed of respectable, or at least respected, business and professional men.” The most distinctive aspect of white-collar deviance is the rational execution of the offense, along with the use of power, influence, or respectability to minimize detection. See attached Exhibits A, B and C - mal-educated state troops own reports and direct eye-witness reports. Thank you for your independent review of these materials. Kind regards, Gary Joseph Bonas II Cc: S.E.C., United Nations, Immigration Department, e.g. George Bush’s People v. Bonas, SCD-159416 (certified record, bate stamp number 0017). George Bush’s People v. Bonas, SCD-159416 (certified record, bate stamp number 0016). George Bush’s People v. Bonas, 10-03-03 hearing transcript, page 25, lines 22-28 (San Diego Case No. SDC159416). George Bush’s People v. Bonas, SCD-159416 (certified record, bate stamp number 0016). George Bush’s People v. Bonas, SCD-159416 (certified record, bate stamp number 0012-0013). George Bush’s People v. Bonas, SCD-159416 (certified record, bate stamp number 0022). George Bush’s People v. Bonas, SCD-159416 (certified record, bate stamp number 0013). George Bush’s People v. Bonas, SCD-159416 (certified record, bate stamp number 0012-0013). 01-11-05 Santa Barbara State-County Trooper Jodi Billgren’s Bonas phone message transcript, one page. Deviant Behavior, by Alex Thio, at page 348 (10th Ed/ 2010, Pearson Education, publishing as Allyn & Bacon).
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 21:47:25 +0000

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