YOU STILL HAVE TIME TO VOTE 10*s - TopicsExpress


YOU STILL HAVE TIME TO VOTE 10*s PLEASE!!!! https://challenge/champions/vote/3256324 My Challenge Story.... WHAT A JOURNEY. I began my Challenge In August, 2013 after I had suffered a stroke in early April of 2012 that affected 85% of my entire left side and almost all my left arm and leg. I could hardly stand and my speech was slurred beyond recognition. I could barley hold a cell phone in my left hand. I found out while in the hospital that it was due to un-diagnosed high blood pressure and hypertension, that actually runs in my family. I felt like I was pretty healthy because I had no physical ailments nor had I been in the hospital prior. I had the full support of my natural and spiritual family as we prayed asking God to heal my body. I knew then that I had to walk in faith. I underwent extensive physical and speech therapy and I remember initially not being able to complete simple motor skills like cutting paper nor a preschool block game. During these times I felt like I was at my lowest in life. After I was wheelchaired into in Rehabilitation it took about two weeks to recover and I WALKED out of the center and Id lost about 15 lbs. I emerged with fully restored activity of both limbs, and by the grace of God, I had no residue whatsoever of the stroke!!! I walked out of the center to recover at home but I later gained the 15lbs back and then some... to the tune of 289lbs! I knew that I needed to get healthier and tried a few other things, to no succes. I remembered seeing the Challenge a couple years earlier from a great high school classmate and I then committed to take control of my personal health. I started my Challenge on August 3, 2013 and lost 7lbs my first week!!! One month in, I had lost 20.5lbs and was fully committed to healthy living and eating. I set a goal to lose a total of 100lbs, and to date have lost 71lbs and countingl!!!! Ive gone from a 42w to 35w!! From XXL Shirts to MEDIUMS!!! And Ive even lost half a shoe size! Each Sunday, beginning at 2a.m. CST, voting commences for the BodybyVi Project10 Challenge Champions where I am currently #3 on the Leaderboard for the Male Weight Loss Category representing the SE Region!!! This is a Social Media vote and EVERY VOTE IS COUNTED! I am asking for your support by: 1. Clicking(and sharing) the following link:https://challenge/champions/vote/3256324 2. CLICK.Got It. **AND** 3. Voting 10STARS for Me by clicking on the 10*!!! Often times when we see others at a certain level of presumed success, but we dont account the amount of time they put in to get there. This road has been a long and arduous but I am committed to myself to my success to my better health and also to being an inspiration, motivator and a blessing to others as they seek self improvement not just in preventive health, but in life overall! I greatly appreciate your continued support, so know that you may vote from every device with internet access! I have worked very hard and I thank the Lord for every day of this journey, even those when the scale didnt move. It was in those times that I had to dig deeper, complain less and give more! I thank you to my AMAZING VI-FAMILY and Family and Friends as well as my Word Center Family for your encouragement on this journey. I encourage each of you to vote EACH SUNDAY! THANKS AND LOVE YOU GUYS!!!! #Project10 #transformation #Challenge #Champion #vichampions #viresults #vination #71lbsdown #middlemissing #weightloss #fitness #nutrition #ViSalus #BodyByVi #motivation #inspiration #askmehow https://challenge/champions/vote/3256324
Posted on: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 04:44:47 +0000

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