YOU THINK , WE WILL STOP AS MOTHER NATURE CRIES : it was mid-night , the date was changed from 7th December to 8th of December , 2014 . the nights were longer and colder then. i was gone deep into my dreams -> nightmares though.. i was acting as police woman , i could not believe that yet i am college student and i was given duty of police woman . i was amazed but worried . you know why ? because i had to protect the four walls , great things were happening between high four walls and i was outside in the street ( the street seemed to be my college location ) i was walking and i was all eyes . i was sharply active , a companion police woman came and we introduced each other then we both moved on our mission . in my dream, suddenly a thought clicked my mind ( as a reflex action of prediction ; like in real life happens to me ) that somebody mysterious person is going to appear and shoot me down . i got an alerting thought . then a bearded , tall and thin with brown complexion and eager eyes ..stepped into the street .i warned my companion that he had a gun , dont know how come i know that he had a gun . without saying anything he took bit forward steps and kept the gun wrapped in white cloth, under tree on dead dry grass. but as he turned back towards us he showed another gun aiming us(or maybe just me ) as his target .i saw my death so close .i had no gun to defend myself in-spite of that i was a police officer at that instant ( may be i was still a student. maybe , being a police officer , was just an illusion.. i might not be the officially police woman . ) .Luckily my fellow had a gun .. she aimed the man in the clothes of terrorist and he fired in the air and said that his gun was empty . Meanwhile i notice him that he was trying tu pull out another gun from his pocket and i rushed and grabbed the gun from his pocket and complex actions between us happened and he aimed my head to shoot me and i was stern but stood erect , that was terrible but i wasnt afraid to die .then nightmare ended there but fear was still there . i woke up and felt many screams and cries plunging into my head . i was so worried , could not talk to anyone .everyone was sleeping and i was crying and over-thinking .Then after hours FAJJAR ADHANs voice struck my ear membranes .i prayed to God and when day arose i finally took out positive meaning of my dream that i will be a police officer in future and consoled my soul and smiled. even though i had never thought about police department as my future but i accepted because that was somehow close to army . but who knew that a terrorist would come and shoot the students on their head. i told mom that do something . my nightmares are coming true and i am not strong anymore to get along with such feelings . i am tired of it .. the only remedy she had ,was : RECITE QURAAN DARLING ! . she was right . we have forgotten the Holy Quraan and its lessons , we have forgotten the path of virtue that Allah showed to us . thats why now Muslims are scattered and suffering . so comn brothers and sisters , mothers and children , fathers and sons , doctors and engineers , teacher and students , politicians and public , forget about differences .turn to God before you return to God . take some lesson .. tomorrow could be your day . i had so many nightmares that came true but they werent so devastating that made the humanity cry . the Peshawar incident made the mothers and children of world cry. no one could let go without shedding tears but o humans ! o Muslims ! tears are not enough to answer that evil act , do pray and for God sake Muslims feel the pain of your brothers , get up and unite .
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 08:32:44 +0000

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