YOU WILL NOT TREAD ON US!!!!!! TYRANNY: NAVAL WARRIORS SERVING IN COMBAT ARE BEING ORDERED TO REMOVED THE AUTHORIZED NAVY JACK FROM THEIR UNIFORMS (If this doesnt make you see RED than youre unAmerican!!) From American Thinker: In yet another example of the spiteful pettiness of the woefully inept and totally inadequate commander-in-chief that low information voters have so unfortunately saddled upon our military, Navy SEALs and other naval warriors serving in combat are being ordered to remove the authorized Navy Jack from their battledress uniforms. That information comes from former SEAL and author, Carl Higbie, writing over at Daily Caller. According to Higbie, many of his colleagues have contacted him complaining of orders from their higher-ups to remove the traditional patch because it is controversial and associated with radical groups. That a symbol birthed in the same revolution that birthed this country, steeped in two hundred years of naval tradition and flown on the bows of American naval vessels worldwide, can be seen as controversial and radical is just another indication of how hypersensitive and intolerant the Democrat Left is of any expression of political thought not strictly in accordance with their very narrow views. You see, the radical groups that the Obama administration is so concerned about are the various manifestations of the Tea Party movement, many of which display the Gadsden Flag as a symbol of their determination to preserve the constitutional foundations of this nation. Gee, virtually all the Tea Party events Ive witnessed usually display far greater numbers of this symbol than the Gadsden Flag. When do you suppose Obamas no-balls, butt-bussingbrass in the Pentagon will get around to banning its wearing on the uniform and other forms of military display? Folks, we have to face the fact that an administration that will employ the IRS to enforce its political will certainly has no compunction about reshaping our nations military into an instrument to reflect and impose that same will. Read more: americanthinker/blog/2013/11/obama_treads_on_tradition.html#ixzz2jgLje3eL Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 15:15:29 +0000

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