YOU! Yes you, the one that is reading this status. It is not by - TopicsExpress


YOU! Yes you, the one that is reading this status. It is not by happenstance that came here but by divine intervention and order. I have an amazing announcement through revealation to declare unto you and I today. You are designed for purpose on purpose. Being the plans that God has given you. No fear is an not an exuse any longer. God has and will continue to set you up for a step up. So what holding you back now? Your funds (God says I own cattle on a thousand hills), your education/knowledge (God saids ask for wisdom) your confidence (God says be confident of this thing). God has you in view at all times. I am now convinced that if something is in you and you are being called and you cant think about any thing else but that you have been fertilized and conception has occured. You already know that you have been Pregnant for too long. It has been over 9 months (5, 10, 15, 20 etc.years) since the dream and vision has been placed inside you. Its time for that birth to happen. That baby is more than well done. Go to the hospital already. No its not braxton hicks this time but the real contractions has happening. This one you may have to labor by yourself or God may send you a coach in the midst of the birthing process. Well, its time to push and I know that you are exhausted and ready to give up and throw in the towel but hold on just a little while longer. God say Breathe just like I taught you and bear down. There no one in your corner or around to push for you. This one is all yours. Youve wrote the vision, mission statement and purpose. Youve located a host building and networking with others. You are looking for a training ground and for a designer of websites. You are determined but the struggle is real but God says Breathe because the baby is finally here. You see God is the author and finisher of our faith all you have to do is Breathe. #icanseeit #vision #purpose #calling #determination #overflow #anointed #positive #pregnant #baby #God #breate
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 14:21:49 +0000

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