YOUNG MEN SHALL SEE VISIONS; OLD MEN SHALL DREAM DREAMS I have since written a part of this article but providence always have a way of supplying good pictures that speak volumes to my articles, when i came across this picture of an elder statesman sleeping at the conference, i wasnt suprised. Though the average Nigerian with his sickness of excusiates will naturally say that age is a veritable excuse for sleeping at such a conference where every tired leg gets 4 Million naira a month for just supporting the motion. i wil also not be suprised if some people wake up only to read newspapers and discover that they have voted in support of the wrong course after the order of our distinguished senator from Ondo State. Such anomalies are a daily occurrence in our country. Medical experts have stressed however that age is not an excuse for sleep disorder, this kind of deep sleep after the order of Jonah cannot come as a shock when Nigerian army chiefs even sleep at public functions. But come to think of it, can we blame this compatriots who have fought gallantly for this nation in time past? or the youths who have refused to emerge and take over the leadership discuss of a Nation like ours sailing like a lost ship on the high sea. While our initial experiment with the National Confab led the nation into a duldrum under the Obasanjo Administration with huge resources gone down the drain. Our nation has refused to learn from the past and hence we recycle our past failures over and again. At this time our leaders have again thought it wise in the interest of the nation to call together a bunch of men who are well older than the country and have no particular stake in the future and destiny of this nation. it is indeed perplexing that the average Nigeria youth watches with disinterest his own life and future without actively participating in the decision making process or having a voice in the matter. it appeats that the current generation has succeeded in fostering a disinterest on us from all indications. While the founding fathers of this nation where young,agile and educated minds, students of international politics and development who had the interest of liberating their fatherland, our own generation of youths have education without corresponding action, ability without responsibility and exposure to international development without a developed mind in themselves. While Western nations parade an active population of their youths in leadership whose charisma, competence and agility have delivered the dividends and essence of governance our Nation still parade a population of old and tired legs who have not been able to make anything out of their generation and they are now using extra time in our generation. Age and age-related motivations have been neglected in leadership research. A study examined the moderating influence of legacy beliefs on the relationships between age and transformational, transactional, and passive-avoidant leadership behaviors. Legacy beliefs involve individuals’ convictions about whether they and their actions will be remembered, have an enduring influence, and leave something behind after death. It was expected that at higher ages, low legacy beliefs impede transformational and transactional leadership behaviors and boost passive- avoidant leadership behaviors. 106 university professors, between 30 and 70 years old, provided ratings of their legacy beliefs; each professor’s leadership behaviors were evaluated by one of his or her employees. Results confirmed the assumptions for overall transformational leadership. its charisma subdimension as well as for overall transactional leadership and its active management-by-exception subdimension. Share with me the age statistics of our past leaders. Awolowo (37), Akintola (36), Ahmadu Bello (36) Balewa (34) and Okotie-Eboh (27), Enahoro (27) led the struggle for independence after the death of Macaulay. Only Zik was 42 at the time. In 1966, the first coup was led by: Kaduna Nzeogwu (29) and countered by Murtala Mohammed (28), Theophilus Danjuma (28), Babangida (25), Nanven Garba (23), Sani Abacha (23), Shehu Musa Yaradua (23), and brought into power Gowon (32), Ojukwu (33),Obasanjo (29), Buhari (24). Most of the military administrators who governed the states under the successive military regimes, most of whom are governors now, were under 30 years. The brief democratic dispensation which interjected the military interregnums also saw the House of Representatives in particular populated by majority of members under 30 years as well as some senators. Under 30s were also not in short supply with appointments, we have examples of MT Mbu who became foreign affairs minister at 23 and Pat Utomi who became a presidential adviser at 27 and so on and so forth. NOW: Why is it that this age bracket is today still sleeping in 3 seater chairs in their parents’ homes? Why is it that this age bracket is today still collecting pocket money from their parents? Why is it that this age bracket is today still writing JAMB? Why is it that this age bracket is today still sagging their trousers? Why is it that this age bracket is today still searching for jobs? Why is it that this age bracket is today no longer qualified to even be leaders of youth wings of political parties? Why is it that this age bracket is today so docile? Why is it that this age bracket is today still incapable of feeding itself? Why is it that this age bracket is today barred by law from even aspiring to certain political offices? Why is it that this age bracket is today incapacitated, unwilling, unable and incapable of asking questions? imagine the great revalation that the immigration test afforded Nigerian youths, why is it that we laugh about the things that should be lamented about? Where exactly are we heading to as a Nation, when will the saviours of our generation arise to take charge and cause a change? While our old men dream dreams,when shall we see and pursue a vision that will transform our nation? sleep on fathers till we youths arise to make the is a well deserved rest! Arise Nigeria Youths For Your Freedom!
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 11:19:22 +0000

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