YOUNG MINISTERS...! Someone said if we dont learn from others - TopicsExpress


YOUNG MINISTERS...! Someone said if we dont learn from others mistakes others will learn from our mistakes meaning that we are the greatest fools ever lived if we repeat and fall into the same errors of our predecessors that renders them obselete and useless in life. Looking through what we have heard through history and the one we have read in a book and the one we are seeing today in church ministry,business and different organisations as a young men and women we are to avoid and learn from the mistakes of those who have gone ahead of us and build up ourselves from their strengths in order to fulfil and maximise our destinies. However as a young ministers doing ministry in the body of Christ we are expected to do certain things so that we can have effective, impactful ministry and most importantly end well and strong in God and they are: Value God and His kingdom: As young ministers God should be our priority of life to maximise our life.The value we put on God determines the gravity and extent of our impact in life,we must invest in quality time to build our intimacy and constant fellowship with God and get busy in His kingdom making use of the gifts and talents that is deposited in us to bring profit to Him,His kingdom and humanity. Value knowledge: Acquiring and applying relevant knowledge is the key to transforming our ministry in God,we must continue to burn on the altar of knowledge to keep on relevant in our fields and the world at large. Developing reading culture to expand our knowledge base and mental capacities and using the same knowledge to impact and meeting the needs of people around us. Lets keep updating ourselves to avoid being outdated and obselete in our fields because if we are not in the known we cannot function in the flow. Build godly relationships: Our association with our information determines our destination in life.. Walking with value adding people give us better chances to fulfil our ministry and maximise our destinies. Relating with people that corrects, encourages,edifies, sharpens and inspires us to move closer to God,take positive steps and doing the right thing positioned us for greater impact in life. Pursue impact:Those who exploit others never perform exploit in life,our pursuit should not be title,money and riches but adding value and making impact in the world for God.The more we meet the needs of people the better our lives,the more prosperous will becomes and the greater the joy people experienced. Stay with your calling: Everyone of us has one ministry or the other, let us stop criticising and comdemning others for what they are doing we are not sent to do the samething but rather stay in our callings to do the job with the right mind and motive and God who sees our labour of love will reward us accordingly.Friends,God is counting on us as young ministers doing ministry to change and cause revival in our decayed land we must not let Him down.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 09:54:22 +0000

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