YOUR ASSIGNMENT: SPREAD THE GOSPEL * If you do not hear, practise - TopicsExpress


YOUR ASSIGNMENT: SPREAD THE GOSPEL * If you do not hear, practise and preach the word of God, where then lies your hope for salvation? *And our primary assignment in this kingdom is to preach the word of God, because mans salvation is contingent on the word of God. * As many as have received the Holy Spirit, they are the instrument and laborers in the vineyard of God. Your work is to hear the word of God, preach and practise same. FIRST LESSON: JOHN 4:34 Jesus saith unto them, my meat is to do to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work. THE INSTRUMENT FOR CHANGE The above texts constitute the message for us and what is expected of us all. It is surprising to note that many of the people who claim to be serving God cannot even go out to spread the gospel of salvation to the world. How do you serve God, if you do not preach His gospel to all nations? It is inevitable that we should preach the gospel to the world. And our primary assignment in this kingdom is to preach the word of God, because mans salvation is contingent on the word of God. This accounts for the response of Our Lord Jesus Christ to the tempter that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes out from God. There is much blessing in preaching the word of God. There is void in someone who cannot preach and practise the word of God. All good things are at your disposal when you preach and practise the word of God. Of what use are you if you do not preach and practise the word of God? The food of the people of the world are fufu, pounded yam, rice, beans, plantain etc, but the food of the children of God, whom we are, is to hear the word of God, practise same and preach it to the world. SPREAD THE GOSPEL: You are all living witnesses to the fact that the field is over-ripe, but there you are in your house, relaxing. You neither practise nor preach the word of God, yet you allege that you are worshipping God. How do you worship Him? You have been enjoined to put in your best in the service of God and, know that you will be rewarded based on your effort. If you do not hear, practise and preach the word of God, where then lies your hope for salvation? As many as have received the Holy Spirit, they are the instrument and laborers in the vineyard of God. Your work is to hear the word of God, preach and practise same. If you do not have the Holy Spirit, you are not of God and as such you are dead. And those who receive the Holy Spirit are expected to go out and evangelize the world. It is one thing to hear the word of God and another to preach what you have heard; yet a third and very important thing is to practise what you preach. You should know that Our Lord Jesus Christ did not only preach the word of God, He practiced it to the letter. Even today in your midst, you have seen the Father preaching and exhaustively practicing His teachings. You are tools unto God. He did not create us to come and toy around the surface of the earth aimlessly. You are not expected to blaspheme and murmur against God. You should not talk about what you do not know about. This will result in confusion and chaos. Note that you will give account of your work here on earth. When the time comes, what would you say you have done? Our Lord Jesus Christ accomplished much before He said to the Father: I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do and now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was. (John 17:4-5). Our brother Paul was also confident in himself and was sure to receive the crown of glory, having accomplished much in spreading the gospel of Christ to many countries. Peter also accomplished much. Suppose you are given an orange, which you have not yet sucked, how would you tell people about the taste of the orange? It is only when you taste the orange you will be able to tell others about the taste of it. We glory in nothing but in hearing, practicing and preaching the word of God. Here lies, our joy, peace, power growth, wealth, life, health and indeed salvation. Who are those to receive good things from God and who are those who will go empty handed? The children of God will inevitably receive the gift of God. The people of the world suffer because they despise the word of God but desire and seek for the material things of this world. Money, cars, houses, husband, children and food are earthly things. The gift of God is embedded in the word of God. THE INSTRUMENT FOR CHANGE The word is given to you so that you could, in turn, spread it to others. The word should be preached to the people of the world, so that they too might repent and have salvation. You cannot preach the word except you listen to it and practise same. The word of God is the only effective means which can change man on this plane of manifest, and in the future. A man may plan to kill his fellow man with a very sharp machete. And that may be the time one goes to preach the word of God to him and in the end, he changes his mind and desists from the planned murder. BY: LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU THE SUPERNATURAL TEACHER, AND SOLE SPIRITUAL HEAD OF THE UNIVERSE BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR EXCERPT FROM : UNIVERSAL EVANGELISM
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 22:20:49 +0000

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