YOUR BLESSINGS AT THE RIGHT TIME.... Just very recently, I had - TopicsExpress


YOUR BLESSINGS AT THE RIGHT TIME.... Just very recently, I had caused to travel from one city to another (by car) within the United kingdom. As it is with modern day driving, I had a satellite navigator to guide my route, since I didnt really know my way that much. At the start of the journey, the SatNav put the arrival time at my destination at 1hour 56minutes, but I didnt take it quite serious because I felt it could not be entirely accurate. But I was wrong. I got to my destination at the exact time given, despite the fact that I stopped at a couple of traffic light junctions. I was impressed. Conversely, I remembered an earlier journey I had to make from one part of nigeria to another. It was supposed to take me one hour to get there by car from my starting point but it took me almost three hours to get there. Why, you may want to ask? I had a lot of crookedness, on the road, to contend with. There were potholes, reckless drivers, unnecessary police checkpoints etc and eventually, a journey of one hour or less took me almost three hours! The Holy spirit then ministered to me that the journey of life for most people, especially Christians, is unnecessarily long because of crookedness here and there. So many lives are full of potholes that what should ordinarily take them a short time eventually takes them almost a life time to get. In fact, some people dont eventually get it because they become too frustrated by the slow pace of things and they just give up eventually. When a road is crooked and full of potholes, you cannot move as fast as you should move. You slow down drastically and in the process, you waste more time. And the more time you waste, the more opportunities slip away. For instance, if you have a job interview at 10am and you find yourself in a bad traffic at 9:50 with another one hour to travel before getting to the interview venue, do you think you can still get that job even if the interview was supposed to be a walk over originally? Very unlikely because no employer wants to employ a staff that gets late to work. It then means that the waiting time to get a job becomes extended. There are several people today who are not getting their divine blessings because of crookedness in their lives. Even when they get it, it can be too late in life for it to be useful or appreciated. For instance, of what use is a blessing you are supposed to get at the age of 20 which you now get at the age of 60? How beneficial will it be to own your house at the age of 70 when you could have had it much earlier in life? Or how happy would you be if your blessings are only coming to you in your old age? But imagine the joy and sense of accomplishment and fulfillment you will have if you achieve your desires and blessings very early in life and at the right time. Scripture says satisfy us early with your mercies that we may rejoice all our days psalm 90:14. Delayed blessings are not necessarily part of Gods plans for us. Many times when we ask God for help, he hears and answers promptly but the potholes and obstacles on the way, tend to either delay or stop the blessings from getting to us (read Daniel 10:13). Beloved, your blessings will get to you at the right time if you make your ways and your life straight. John the baptist said prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his path straight (Mark 1:3). Thats the key to possessing your blessings. The obstacles can be in any form as a result of our carelessness and sinful nature. When your path is made straight, the devil is weakened severely and he cannot stop you from getting what is yours AT THE RIGHT TIME. I pray that God will give you Grace to have a clean pathway in Jesus name. Amen. Have a blessed week.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 08:02:22 +0000

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