YOUR CELLS ARE IN THE VORTEX! Guest: Im overweight, I am a - TopicsExpress


YOUR CELLS ARE IN THE VORTEX! Guest: Im overweight, I am a diabetic, and I know I should eat better, and look after myself better, but I dont seem to have the wish to do it, hard enough, to do it. Abraham: You know whats interesting about that... youre really going to like this. We so love it when we find an analogy that then we can go back and have conversations within the framework of a new analogy in order to bring great new clarity and insight. We so want to say to you, in the context of what weve been talking already here today, that ANY ACTION THAT YOU ATTEMPT FROM OUTSIDE THE VORTEX IS SLOW GOING, its hard, and you cant keep your momentum up. But if you take your time to get into the Vortex, and then contemplate that from inside the Vortex, the inspiration comes and stays. You see what were getting at? Guest: Yup. Abraham: So youve been going about it in the hard way. We want to say to you, Well, tell a new story! When you say, Im a diabetic. We say, Thats not the story you want to tell, thats past tense. You say, No. I checked myself today. I am a diabetic. And we say, Anything that is current manifestation is old news, because in your Vortex of Creation you are not a diabetic. In this vibrational reality, all of that that youve been living has produced a Vibrational Escrow, its produced what you would call in terms of manifestation a FUTURE experience, but what we know in terms of vibration a PRESENT experience. So if you can meditate your way into the Vortex, or find some way, find something that gets you in there and then milk it, and do it often enough that the in-the-Vortex Vibration is more natural to you, and comes more easily -- and it will the more you do it -- then what happens as you are contemplating your body from inside the Vortex, everything goes more easily. Now we are going to give you something really good here, its new, and youve evoked it, and youre really going to like it: Your body is made up of trillions of cells, and each of them is Consciousness. Each of these cells of your body is an extension of this Source Energy that weve been talking about. YOUR CELLS ARE INSIDE THE VORTEX! Oh! Aaah! You nodded and then you heard us! Your cells are in the Vortex. The consciousness of your cells is there! Now think about what that means. That means that when (for whatever reason), life was discordant in some way, which is always the case... its always something thats bothering you that was the pre-cursor to the... In other words, you had a lot of vibrational indicators that were emotional before you got the vibrational indicator that was a physical manifestation or a diagnosis. Guest: Yeah. Abraham: So during all of that problem coming into focus, a solution -- a better, stronger, more vital, more virile, more dynamic physical body -- was coming into Vibrational Reality at the same time. So the cells of your body are consciousness that are not confused about Who-They-Are even though you -- in your thinking, your brain, your perspective, your personality -- might be. So the reason to give this to you this way is because the consciousness of your cells are already in the Vortex. Now lets back up a little bit and give you more: When your physical body -- on a cellular level -- gets out of whack (even in the slightest), the cells send a rocket and Source becomes it, and the cells would equally acquiesce to the new becoming, thats what the evolution of all species is about. But a cell in a body of someone whos worried about something... So the cell knows what it doesnt want, knows what it does want, Source lines up with what it does want, but in your worry you make it harder for that cell to come into alignment with its request. Did you hear that? And so what pain is... We know its not something that youre talking about here but its something to be talked about. What physical pain is - is the cell, the new-and-improved vibrational cell calling its physical counterpart in, but in the consciousness of the human the cell is hindered and not allowed, and that tug-of-war is what equals pain, its also what equals negative emotion. Doesnt that just make equal perfect sense to you? Guest: Yes. Abraham: So the story you want to tell to yourself is: My physical body is a diabetic but my Virtual Body is clear and feeling really, really good. In other words, because were not kidding you, thats how it is! And now through meditation, and through appreciation, and through just generally reaching for better feeling thoughts youll release resistance and allow those cells to align with their request, and your body will align. It is our promise to you! (Audience applause) Guest: Thank you! Abraham: Very good! Guest: Thank you very much! Abraham: Yes indeed! -Abraham Hicks Sacramento, CA March 1, 2014 All material is copyrighted by Esther Hicks Transcript by Ellen Lazanas
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 07:57:25 +0000

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