YOUR DESTINY IS NOT YOUR DECISION-IT IS YOUR DISCOVERY; Your destiny is awaiting your discovery from the Holy Spirit and in the pages of scripture. Here are some destiny clues you need to know. #God has specifically prepared events and situations for those who love him. Eye hath not seen,nor ear heard,neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him-1cor 2:9. #You will only discern or discover those things and events connected to your destiny by the Holy Spirit.-1cor2:10. #Your gifts,skills and capabilities are different from others around you.-Romans 12:6. #You are sent by God into this generation-jeremiah 1:7. #Your agenda has been predestined in the mind of God. God not only has plan,He has plan for your life,and His plan for your life will require your obedience-Isaiah 1:19,20 #His plan for your life will require a personal decision on your part to cooperate-deuteronomy 28:1. #His plan guarantees His blessings when completed-deuteronomy 28:2,3. #His plan gives life to you-others plans brings death-deuteronomy 30:19. God decides what you are to do,your decision is to obey. Think for a moment. Did the automobile instruct Henry Ford and declare to him what it had decided to be? Of course not. Mr Ford named it. And we know that God does not want anyone to perish. Yet they do. Daily. Millions have perished without Christ. So even though you were predestined (intended by God) to be saved,it remains your decision to cooperate with Him and accept Him. The creator decides,the creation discovers. Products do not decide,manufacturers decide. Remember,you are the product of God. And Hes is the only One who can reveal the destiny He decided for you at your birth. Have a great day pals.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 10:43:18 +0000

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