YOUR EMOTIONS ARE IMPORTANT MANIFESTATIONS Do you know you create your own reality? Do you know how you create your own reality? Do you know that you are a vibrational being? You create your own reality because you are perceiving through your perspective. And your perception causes you to offer a vibrational frequency that Law of Attraction is responding to. And it doesn’t matter what words you say… because the Universe is not listening to your words, the Universe is listening to your vibration… and it doesn’t matter how sweetly you smile as you offer the words, doesn’t matter… because the Universe doesn’t hear what you say, the Universe hears what you mean. And what you mean is known by you when you start paying attention because you can feel what you mean. Your emotions – in fact – are one of the… most important preliminary manifestations. Do you kind of get that? When you feel something, isn’t it real? Even if you’re watching a movie that isn’t real, the emotion that you’re feeling is. If the movie causes you to feel vulnerable, you have created a vibration within yourself that this emotion is indicating. So, you can say to your frightened child, “Honey, it isn’t real.” But that’s not true because whatever you are feeling is the most real. It’s the manifestation of what you’ve got going on vibrationally. And, if you keep it up, if you keep that feeling going steadily, chronically in your experience, things will actualize around it that match it perfectly. So, sometimes you say, “Well, I want to control the way I feel, so I will look at the best of conditions.” And we say, it’s a pretty good choice because sifting through life and looking for things that cause you to feel good is better than sifting through life and focusing on things that cause you to feel bad… because feeling good matters, it does… but there is a trap in that that almost all humans fall into. It’s the conditional love trap. It’s the, “I focus on that condition and I feel good, and then I focus on that condition and I feel bad, so I will do my best to control the conditions around me, so that I’m mostly only focusing on the conditions that feel good.” In a way, Esther is doing that looking for the comedy on the airplane, she’s looking for something that will cause her to feel good. But we want you to understand that there is a big difference in looking for something that then affects the way you feel, and – at an earlier stage in your process today – finding yourself in a place of alignment from which you then realize the things of your environment. We’re gonna say that again. What we mean, and what we really want to talk about in the hours that we are together today through the format of anything that is important to you, is that if you are looking at the conditions that feel good and you do feel good, but then you look at the conditions that don’t feel good and so you feel bad, you have no control over the way you feel other than to attempt – the futile attempt – of controlling the conditions. You cannot do that. Your world tries. First, try to get them to see your way and, if they don’t, you contain them in some way. And you still try to get them to see your way and, if they don’t, you want to drop a bomb on them. In other words, you need them – it seems – you need others to comply with your view of the world. Otherwise, your view of the world seems threatened. But we want you to understand that you have an individual view of the world that is being reflected back to you, and that you are realizing it constantly. And you don’t need one other person to agree with you on your view of the world, but the entire Universe will confirm what your view of the world is. You will live in poverty if that’s your view of the world. You will live in abundance if that’s your view of the world. You’ll have a really wonderful time if that’s your view. In other words, we would say get your view of the world pulled back a little bit, and start viewing YOUR world, YOUR point of attraction… because you do create your own reality. And the way you create your own reality is by generating a vibrational frequency that is being emitted every waking hour. And so, as you are emitting this frequency, momentum ensues. Law of Attraction makes sure that it does. As you emit the frequency, Law of Attraction brings you more like it, and brings you more like it. And then you say, “See, I told you that’s the way it is… because what I thought was gonna happen manifested all around me.” And the reason that it manifested all around you is because you were emitting a frequency that will not allow it to be otherwise. Everything that is coming to you is coming specifically to you because of what you are emitting. So then, in the beginning stages of learning that you create your own reality, often people will say to us, “Abraham, I don’t believe I create my own reality because, if I created my own reality, I would not have done it that way.” And we say, “We didn’t say you did it on purpose, we said you did it.” Most people are creating their own reality by default. Most people are creating their own reality by their observation of things that are around them. So, they’re just continuing to perpetuate what’s around them… which is nice if you’ve gotta good thing going because you just observe the good thing you’ve got going and more good things get going more. There is a way of controlling, but it’s early stages kinda stuff… Most people pay no attention to the way they feel, so they’re not getting early indications of what their momentum is, and they allow their momentum to get going until it begins manifesting in ways they don’t want, and THEN they decide to do something about it. But the thing about that is when you know what you don’t want, so you step forward in order to do something about this thing that you don’t want to happen, what happens is – without even meaning to – you activate more of what you don’t want to happen in your vibration. And, as you activate more of what you don’t want in your vibration, more of what you don’t want to happen… happens… because Law of Attraction says that it must be so. So, we want to help you to understand that YES you create your own reality, and YES you can control the vibration that you’re offering, and YES if you do it in the early stages of momentum it’s easier, and you really wouldn’t want if your train was going 80 miles an hour that way, you wouldn’t all of a sudden want to go 80 miles an hour that way (opposite direction). You think you do, but you don’t… because that sudden shift which is not possible, but if it would be possible, it would be very upsetting to the contents of the train. In other words, it is better for the momentum to subside and for you to get it going in the direction of what you are wanting. And the same thing is true of your thought momentum. The thing that we most want you to understand is that, while you are sleeping, your momentum subsides. So, every morning when you awaken, you have the opportunity to begin the momentum the way you want it to begin. You can send it off in the direction of your desire. Sometime, usually, often, every morning when you wake up – we’re so funny – when you wake up in the morning, often, you begin the thought process from where it was before… So you wake up and you orient yourself about where you are. And then, you usually begin the activation of the things that were going on yesterday, which means there is a continuum from day-to-day that doesn’t change, but it COULD if you wanted it to. And these are some of the things that we want to visit about with you today. ~ABRAHAM 2014-10-11 BOSTON, MA Transcript by Esmée La Fleur
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 03:35:37 +0000

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