YOUR INNER ECE gets organized. TOP TEN PROVEN TIPS ON MANAGING EMAIL 1. Avoid checking email first thing in the morning. Work on priority task first. 2. Turn visual/auditory notification off to avoid distractions and multi-tasking. 3. Checking email takes longer than you think. Enforce a time limit – use a timer. 4. Empty inbox daily. The inbox should be used for new email only. You wouldn’t open snail mail and then put it back in the mailbox, so avoid reading email and leaving it in your inbox; act on it immediately: o Decide what the first action is: reply, forward, file or delete. o Reply immediately if you can do it in 2 minutes or less. o For longer emails, or when you require more information, transfer to action folders and schedule time in your calendar to act on them. o Some emails require no action. Delete or file as soon as you read. 5. For quicker responses, stick to one subject per email. Change subject line when you change topic, for easier filing/retrieving. 6. Be brief and to the point when sending emails. Start with what action you need the recipient to take. If longer than three paragraphs, call instead. 7. To save time and effort, create templates for common responses. 8. Limit FYIs and Ccs. Don’t clog the inboxes of friends and co-workers. 9. Check at scheduled times, a few times a day. We’re teaching people how to treat us by responding to emails instantly, 24-7. 10. Increase focus and get more done by creating an ‘email free time zone’. Let everyone in the office know in advance that, during a specified time (one hour or more per day, one full day per month), you will not be responding to emails. Email can be a great time-saver if used correctly. Once you have your email under control, you’ll be amazed at how much more productive your days will become. FROM: Hellen Buttigieg, CPO® Certified Professional Organizer®, Life Coach, TV Host WE ORGANIZE U Making Time and Space for What Matters Most™ 905-829-2219 weorganizeu Want to connect with me? Read my blog: weorganizeu
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 03:08:40 +0000

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