YOUR LOVE, IS IT TRUE? Chapter 43 : Cafe It was weekend and you - TopicsExpress


YOUR LOVE, IS IT TRUE? Chapter 43 : Cafe It was weekend and you didn’t have to go to school today. You’re thinking either you should go out with Himchan or not today. You then decided to go out with him since you’ve got nothing to do today. You go and get your phone then dialled Himchan’s number. He answered the call a few seconds after that. YOU : Yeoboseyo? Himchan-ssi? HC : Yeoboseyo, ___-ssi. I was just about to call you just now. YOU : Jinjja? Waeyo? HC : Ani~ I was about to ask your answer for my question yesterday. YOU : Aaa~ Actually, I’m calling you because I already have the answer for that question. I think that we should go out together today. HC : Omo!~ Jinjja? You’re not kidding me right? *excited* YOU : *laugh* Ne, Himchan-ssi. I’m not kidding with you. So, at what time should we go then? HC : I think we should go at 10AM. Is it okay with you? YOU : *look at your watch* It’s 8AM now and I think 2 hours are more than enough for me to get ready. Sure. Where should we meet then? I think it will be better if you text me the café address after this and I’ll go there by taxi. Ne? HC : Ani ani~ I’ll go to your home and pick you up later on. I’ll be right in front of your house at 10AM. I’ll drive you to the café. Just wait for me okay? YOU : Owh~ Ne. I’ll wait for you, Himchan-ssi. See you later. HC : Ne. See you later too. You then went to take your shower and get ready of yourself. You felt very nervous as this is the first time you will go out with Himchan. You don’t know which clothes you should wear for today so that you will look good. You searched your closet for a long time and then you decided to wear this black tshirt with white stripes and a pair of black jeans. Then, you put on a little makeup to complete your look. You saw your watch and it’s already 9.30AM. You still have half an hour left before Himchan came and picked you up. Meanwhile, after he received your call and you were agreed to go out with him, Himchan felt very excited about it and he jumped happily just like a little kid. He quickly go and get ready of himself. After he was done with it, he grabbed his car’s key and drove to your home to pick you up. During the journey, he stopped by for a while at a flower’s shop and he get himself a bouquet of pink roses for you. He actually don’t have a clue what is your favourite flower and he just choose it randomly. Hiimchan really hope that you will like the flowers later on. He then continued again his journey to your house. A few moments later, he finally arrived in front of your house. He took a look at the clock and it’s only 9.20AM right now. He just waited for you in the car. You went out from your room and you realised that there was a car in front of your house. You were wondering whose car is that. You took a look at your watch and it’s only 9.45AM and it’s not even 10AM yet. Was it Himchan’s car? But, it’s still too early now. You decided to call Himchan to make sure that he was already here or not. YOU : Yeoboseyo? HC : Yeoboseyo? ___-ssi? Waeyo? YOU : Ani~ Are you already here, in front of my house? HC : Err.. Ne. I’m actually already here in front of your house. YOU : Omo~ When did you arrived? HC : I’m already arrived here before 9.30AM. Hehe. YOU : Whoa~ You’re so early. I’m so sorry for making you waited for me, Himchan-ssi. HC : It’s okay. I’m the one who arrived to early. YOU : Ne. Wait a minute okay? I’ll go out now. HC : Ne. I’ll wait. You went out from your house and then you locked the door first before you walked towards Himchan’s car. He saw you and he get out from the car. Both of you and Himchan were shocked when you guys saw that you guys were wearing the same t-shirt! HC : *shock* YOU : *shock* HC : Whoa!~ *laugh* YOU : *laugh* I know right? HC : I never know that you have this shirt too. YOU : Me too. I also never know that you have this shirt too. HC : What a coincidence, right? YOU : Ne. People will think that we’re a couple because we wore the same t shirt today but the fact is we’re just friends. HC : Err.. Hehe. It’s kinda funny. Should we go now? YOU : Ne. Let’s go. HC : *open the car’s door for you* YOU : *went into the car* Thanks. HC : You’re welcome. *close the door* Then, he went to his own seat and started to drive to the café. The journey took about fifteen minutes and they finally arrived in front of the café. You were amazed when you saw the café. It’s actually an old café. It’s really big and the decoration inside the café were really unique and attractive. The scent if coffee was really strong inside the café and you really love it. Both of you and Himchan then found an empty spot and sat there. The waiter then gave the menu for you guys and told that he will be back a few minutes later to take your order. HC : So, how was this place? It’s cool right? YOU : Ne. It’s really cool and I really love it. Thank you for bringing me here, Himchan-ssi. HC : No problem. So, what would you like to drink? *look at the menu* YOU : *look at the menu too* Err.. I’m thinking to drink my favourite Iced Americano, but then there are too many type of coffees here that I would love to try. I don’t know what to choose. *laugh* HC : *laugh* Hmm.. How about you try Latte then? Or do you want to try Cappucino? YOU : Hmm.. Sound’s good. I think I’m gonna go with Latte and how about you, Himchan-ssi? HC : I want to try Cappucino then. Would you like to eat some cakes or some snacks? YOU : I’ll have a piece of vanilla flavoured cake. Is it okay? HC : Ne. It’s fine. I’ll have a piece of vanilla flavoured cake also then. YOU : Ne. The waiter then came to take your order. He then went to get your order. A few minutes later, the order came and both of you and Himchan were enjoying the drinks and foods together.~ Moon Jaechan
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 05:27:51 +0000

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