YOUR PAIN AND AFFLICTION IS AN INCUBATOR TO BIRTH SOMETHING EXTRAORDINARY IN YOUR OWN LIFE Beloved, Jesus said; let not your hearts be troubled with anything but with all supplications and thanksgiving bring your requests before Him. I don’t know what you are going through today but Jesus wants you to know that He is making intercession for you before God the Father who is your eternal source of supply and that He will never fail you or forsake you because He promised to supply all of your needs regardless of what they are according to his own power working within you. All, you need to do is to agree with the Lord Jesus Christ in prayer through declaring his word. God’s promise is sealed with a royal seal which cannot be broken, altered, or expired. Whenever you receive a word of revelation from God it is already set in motion to come to pass even if they are some delays along the way. When God does not make it happen when you expect Him to, it is because He is working out patience and integrity in you so that you show good character in every blessing you receive. Continue blessing the name of the Lord because God is faithful, your name is before Him, and He remembers you. Your pain and frustration are an indication that God is working it out for your good by focusing on the areas of your life for which you need a makeup. Learn to enjoy every process you go through and find purpose in it because greater ideas and best songs find their inspiration in times of great pain. Stop internalizing your pain but rather crystallize it and use it as an incubator to birth a best song never sung or an extraordinary idea never produced. Make the best out of your pain and affliction; let it work for you by turning it into blessing. YOU HAVE GREATNESS IN YOU!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 16:46:56 +0000

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