YOUR RIGHTS ARE DYING WITH MICHAEL BROWN... You might think that - TopicsExpress


YOUR RIGHTS ARE DYING WITH MICHAEL BROWN... You might think that what happened to Michael Brown or the events that unfolded in Ferguson, Missouri, has nothing to do with you. This report will show you that is not true. What you are seeing is a beta test, and what is being put in place ought to greatly concern you. New procedure manuals are being given to police officers, national guard, and military troops, that vastly change what they are, and are not allowed to do. An act of demonstration, or the most benign demonstrations of civil disobedience gives the government the authority to take “deadly action” against the public . Thus the protesters who recently objected to illegal aliens being deposited in Murietta, California, could be subject to deadly force. Further, the protesters in Ferguson could be subject to the use of lethal force as well. The policy is quite clear in its intent which is to eliminate the act of protesting from the American landscape. More disturbingly, the right to summarily execute peaceful protesters is contained in this Army manual There is another message contained in the manual and that is the clear anticipation that the American people are going to feel the need to be protesting in earnest in the foreseeable future. What exactly are the American people going to feel compelled to protest that remains unspecified in this manual? Could it be resistance to mandatory Ebola vaccinations? Could we be looking at food riots in the future? Will it be a currency collapse that puts Americans in the street? Will America rise up and say no to the plans for World War III and the coming conscription of both potential military personnel and a civilian labor slave force as described under Executive Order 13603..
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 03:37:22 +0000

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