YOUR TIME IS NEAR! WAIT! African record holder in de - TopicsExpress


YOUR TIME IS NEAR! WAIT! African record holder in de 400 metres, Falilat Ogunkoya Osheku,used to say dat it was atwist of fate dat she ended up being an athlete in de first place! Populaly called, fabulous Fali, she said she was born a terrible premature baby! Her parents had thought dat she wouldnt survive. Can u imagine a baby being in the incubator for 3 months? Thats what happened to her! She was so small dat one of her aunties mistakenly packed her out of bed while gathering clothes to wash at de local river! She was dat small n inconsequential! Nobody noticed her! People ridiculed her mother, today wherever she goes, even heads of state of nations take notice! She is not only noticed,she is honoured n highly revered in de sports world! Now, if a tiny, forsaken girl like dat could survive to become a world star(she is de first female to win an Olympic medal 4 Nigeria), then our future cannot be held to ransom by de wicked powers of de devil or negative circumstances! No matter what we are going through now, let it be established in ur heart dat ur future will suprise men! Those who hv given up on u will apologize to u very soon. God is able! Victor Hugo saidThere is nothing so powerful in dis world as an idea whose time has come. A misty morning does not signify acloudy day! What u are going through now, has nothing to do with ur great future! Be patient! Dont forget too, that the late Chief M. K. O. Abiola was born n thrown into de dustbin! Nobody gave him a hope of survival! Yet , he re-defined de meaning of politics in Nigeria! If u are determined, u will be remembered! Orison Marder said: The world always stands aside 4 de determined man, who will make away even through seeming impossiblity! Kay Kroc wrote: As long as u are green, u are growing; as soon as u are ripe, u start to rot. Job said: I will wait till my change comes.-Job 14 :14. He waited and his story changed. Wait! Your story n my story will change! Jesus is Lord.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 07:49:00 +0000

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