YOUR child is in the US military!? The idiot learned about the VA - TopicsExpress


YOUR child is in the US military!? The idiot learned about the VA scandal - WHEN YOU DID???!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Sen. Howard Baker, R-TN, famously asked What did the President know and when did he know it?, the most salient question of the Watergate scandal had been asked. Yesterday, almost 40 years later, we learned from Jay Lap Poodle Carney that on the rapidly emerging VA scandal, Obama learned of it from news reports. Really? The Chief Executive learned of a scandal within his domain, from news reports? Is he so ill served by staff that they fail to inform him of the doings of his administration? Are staff to POTUS operating at a level of incompetence never before seen? This is not Obamas first time knowledge of what is taking place in his administration. On Fast and Furious, on the IRS and its disparate treatment of groups based on ideology, on AP wiretapping, we have been told Obama learned along with the rest of us. What exactly is Obama doing that he is constantly caught off guard, learning what takes place thanks to news reports? For starters, he is simply not doing his job. On the matter of his staff, they seem quite capable of informing Obama at a moments notice on such weighty matters as Whitney Houstons death, on Michael Sam, the first openly gay draftee. But on the movement of arms across an international border, on the IRS violating Federal Laws and agency rules and regulations, on the massive and unprecedented wiretapping of a news organization, his staff fails him. Sorry, but I am not buying. It begs credulity that a POTUS can be so lacking in the doings of his administration. But then, thinking of Obamas past, it fits a pattern of simply not doing his job, such as being the first President of the prestigious Harvard Law Review to not author a single review. Quite simply stated, Obama is lazy on matters of importance, but oh, he is a beagle hound on celebrity stuff. Combining Obama and his staff, we get incompetence squared. Perhaps the nonsense Valerie Jarrett, extremist aide to Obama, put forth has merit: Obama is so smart (again, the notion that Obama is of Godly intellect), the mundane does not interest him. Well, being POTUS is not a mundane job. It is an undertaking of great importance. Too bad Obama, having twice wanted the job, does not want to do the job. Now that seems to have merit, too. I wont be surprised if today or tomorrow or next month, Jay Carney announces that Obama has just learned of Benghazi, and not from staff, but from news reports relayed to him between holes on a golf course... To Obamas credit, that seems the one area of detail he is always up to speed on. Golf outings. ----------------------------- Your childs service, is well served in return!!! Yet you still trust the lying idiot you voted for TWICE???? GOD help us all... Ron We dont have elections in America - we have AUCTIONS!!!! Remember 9-11- 2001 & 2012 Paved roads - another - waste of tax money by government!!! Courtesy: JEEP O|||||||O
Posted on: Tue, 20 May 2014 17:15:52 +0000

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