YOURE FEELING ALL ALONE ... THEN YOU HAVE A FRIEND “It was a really hot summer day in Florida. The humidity was off the charts. There I sat FEELING MISERABLE ON A BUS BENCH. I was pondering my life. Recently I’d gone through a breakup. I have mild cerebral palsy, so just taking the bus was a challenge in my life. Im a pretty positive person, but that day I WAS FEELING OVERWHELMED. I felt ALONE. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a tiny DRAGONFLY. It was beautiful ... an iridescent blue. It hovered near me. Then slowly it landed on my shoulder. I grinned. I had made A NEW FRIEND. It stayed with me until the bus came which was about A HALF HOUR. As I stepped up to get on the bus I whispered, go on little one ... it flew away. I love how God has blessed me over the years with dragonflies. HE reminds me that Im NEVER ALONE.” Karen Leone •••• God indeed uses all things great and small to bring us a connection with Him, doesn’t he? Just like Karen, YOU can look around YOURSELF today and see if God has sent you a little messenger, like that dragonfly, or a message—a godwink, especially for you, out of seven billion people on this planet. Many good wishes for bountiful godwinks. SQ
Posted on: Fri, 02 May 2014 19:50:00 +0000

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