YOUTH FOR ACTION. Youths unheard we are marginalized they - TopicsExpress


YOUTH FOR ACTION. Youths unheard we are marginalized they declare war and we died on their behave they formed their government and we are left out they have a say in Africa youth are future leaders where is their future when they are jobless who will call them when future comes while you wage wars to remain on throne the grow old and died with no future you proclaim. Oooh! the creator of young people where is peace of the youths. Struggling with unemployment disease,poverty, cattle wrestling age discrimination and all sorts of earthly suffering. Youths in Africa they live their hell on earth the voiceless the poorest the marginalized the unforgotten the shield protecting thieves, the shield protecting murderers the death toll and news of all days. Oooh! the creator of young people where is peace of the youths. They live a handful future behind them dying miserably in Syria South Sudan Iraq Libya Gaza Ooh! the creator of young people where is peace of the youths We need our rights we need to be represented in all level of governments we are not what you think but we are who we think. 35 Percent must be given to the youth in the government of national unity Youths must be represented in the ongoing peace talk in Addisababa. Youth for changes .
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 09:51:05 +0000

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