YOUTH IN TANZANIA The constitution of the United Republic of - TopicsExpress


YOUTH IN TANZANIA The constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania of 1977 does not state clearly who the youth are. Youth in Tanzania are therefore defined by the National youth Policy of 2007 as Men and women from the age group of 15-35. According to the National census 2012 Tanzania has population of about 44,928,923 people. Between these populations 15,587,621(35%) are youth.15, 115,987 (34%)from Tanzania mainland and 471,634 (1%) from Zanzibar. YOUTH AND EMPLOYMENT The core problem facing youth in Tanzania is unemployment. This problem is characterized by imbalance between supply and demand of labour in the labour market,increasing of urban employment pressures with outflow of rural surplus labour to non-agricultural sectors and new entrants in the labour market. The youth constitute 60 per cent of all people who are unemployed. According to National bureau of statistics, 2011 estimates unemployed persons for year 2011 were 2,368,672 persons which is equivalent to 10.7% of the labour force population .The total number of labour force population is estimated to be 22,152,320 persons, of whom 19,783,648 are estimated to be employed, among the employed, 2,502,327 persons are estimated to be employed in the informal sector activities. Further, it is estimated each year 700,000 graduates entering the labour market of which 500,000 are primary and secondary school leavers with little or no skills. Out of those graduates only 40,000 (5.7%) are employed in the formal sector leaving a total of 660,000 to join the unemployed or underemployed reserve. Although the informal sector absorbs the majority of the labour force, informal sector employment is growing at 2.4% annually which is below the growth rate of the labour force of 3% annually. What do you think about this?
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 07:34:08 +0000

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