YOU’RE NOT A ‘MISSED CALL’ some few years ago a young - TopicsExpress


YOU’RE NOT A ‘MISSED CALL’ some few years ago a young lady came to me, and said: “Pastor, my life is out of joint. My parents never planned me. They’ve just told me that I am a biological mistake, moreover they were expecting a boy and not a girl...” I said to her, “Young lady, your parents are right when they say you are a mistake. You are their mistake, but not God’s mistake. Out of their mistake God brought something beautiful -you. You see, God’s purpose overrides human error; you are not a chance product of your parents’ irresponsibleness. God created you; you are a product of choice and not of chance. So never say again ‘I am a mistake’ because you are not. God makes no mistakes!” I didn’t say that just to make her feel good or something; I said it because it was nothing but the real truth. You were created on purpose for a purpose. Believe it. It is as true as the Gospel. You are not a “missed call” or a biological mistake. That’s what the devil wants you to believe, and it’s a lie which many have bought hook, line, and sinker. Understand that your birth was no slip-up or mishap, and that your life is no coincidence of nature. Your parents may not have planned you, but God did. He was not at all surprised by your birth. In fact, he expected it. Long before you were conceived by your parents, you were conceived in the mind of God. Your parents didn’t get the first look at you, God did. As a matter of fact, your parents never knew you were coming, the only thing they knew was that they were going to have a baby; they never knew that that baby was going to be you. Many children are unplanned by their parents, but they are not unplanned by God. Gods purpose took into account human error, and even sin. It is not fate, nor chance, nor luck, nor coincidence that you are breathing at this very moment. You are alive because your creator planned it. “For those whom He foreknew [of whom He was aware and loved beforehand], He also destined from the beginning [foreordaining them] to be molded into the image of His Son [and share inwardly in His likeness]…” Romans 8:29, AMP The above verse says that God ‘foreknew’ you and loved you ‘beforehand’. That is to say, He knew you before anybody else did and had special interest in you before He even formed you in your mother’s womb, Isn’t this wonderful? This should add some springs to your steps. C’mon! Think about this, the Monarch of the Universe was the first person to know your name and how your life was going to be. There is actually nothing about you that surprises Him; He knows you more than you know yourself; He knows you through and through. And in spite of what you have done, He hasn’t changed His mind about you: He still has special interest in you. God has a beautiful plan for your life. You’re breathing at this very moment because He planned it, and you have this handout in your hands because He wants you to find meaning to your life. It is not enough to be a businessman, a lawyer, or doctor. You need to know your purpose. Your career is not the reason why you came: it doesn’t matter what career it is, it is only a means to an end, and not an end in itself. You may need to ask yourself; “what is God’s purpose for me in this career?” Your career shouldn’t be your vision, since it is only there to help you fulfill your destiny. Your vision should be based on God’s destiny for your life. When I talk about destiny I am making reference to God’s purpose for your life. And by purpose I simply mean the reason for which you came. You came for something; no one came here for nothing. There is nothing more empty and frustrating than to live life without a purpose it’s like chasing after the wind and hoping one day you’ll catch it; it’s living in futility. God never created you to be a wanderer on earth; He doesn’t want you to continue on drifting through life. He brought you here for something, and he wants you to discover that something. If you want to know the purpose for any item, the best person to find out from is the manufacturer. In the same way, if you want to find out the reason for your coming, the best person to inquire from is your creator. Since God created you, He alone knows the reason why He created you. So the first step to discovering your purpose is meeting your creator. And the only way to meet Him is Jesus (John 14:6). If you haven’t met Him yet, pray the following prayer with all your heart: O Lord God, I come to you in the Name Of Jesus Christ. I acknowledge that I am a sinner needing salvation. I ask Jesus to be Lord of my life; I believe with my heart that you raised Him from the dead. I receive eternal life into my spirit. I declare that I am saved; I am born again; I am a new creation in Christ Jesus! Now I have Christ dwelling in me, Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world; am a child of God – born from above. Hallelujah! Congratulations! Welcome to God’s family. We want to know you and to be praying for you kindly sms “born again” space and your full names to +260978622273. The second step is joining a Bible believing Church. This is where you are taught God’s general plan for your life and get to know and serve God better. To join a Bible believing Church call or sms: “join Bible believing church” to +260978622273. The third step is receiving the Holy Spirit. This step is very vital because no one can know God or anything about Him unless the Holy Spirit reveals it to him. The Holy Spirit is the revealer of God and the things of God. He’ll reveal God’s plan to you. Not only will the He show you God’s plan for your life He’ll also help you fulfill it. The fourth step is getting involved in God’s number one business– Soulwinning. Just as the success of a product can’t be divorced from the vision of the manufacturer, so also your success can’t be separated from God’s vision for your life. Hence, a man is not a success until he fulfills God’s vision for his life. God’s number one vision is His number one business – Soulwinning (helping others find meaning to their lives by bringing them to God, helping them grow in the knowledge and grace of God, and helping them win others to God) There is no greater satisfaction than to help others find true satisfaction by winning them to the only One who can satisfy their longing hearts. The fifth step is walking with those who are walking with God. If you walk with those who are not walking with God they’ll influence you out of God’s will, and that might get you into real trouble. The best you can do for yourself is to make friends with those who are walking with God. And the best place you can find such people is at Church. The sixth step is taking a daily dose of God’s word and living by it. Man cannot live without the word of God, the best he can do is exist (Matthew 4:4). I know you don’t want to exist; you want to live. So take a wise step and live by every word that comes from the mouth of God.This suggests that you must get yourself a good Bible and study it every day. The seventh step is staying in touch with God through prayer. Prayer is simply talking with God. You pour out your heart to Him and expect Him to pour out His heart into yours. The best way to learn how to pray is to pray. HAVE A BLESSED SUNDAY :)
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 05:34:22 +0000

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