YOU’VE GOT TO SPEAK OUT ELSE YOU DIE A NOBODY IN LIFE. By Oke Ogboride. +2348169531899 QUOTE OF THE DAY: “YOU ARE NOT HEARD BECAUSE YOU HAVE NOT SPOKEN” “For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14. It is good to be silent, but not in all cases. There are times your silence will do more harm than good. One of the major ways to express feelings, opinions, thoughts and to make contribution is to speak out. By the way, why must you speak out? There are many reasons: You as an individual is the most valuable resource on the earth. When you speak, express, project something meaningful, your business, your community and even your own life immediately get better. Besides, sinners will be saved, ‘so then faith comes by hearing…’ (Romans 10:17). Thus, you owe humanity a duty to say the truth that will liberate them. Also, when you speak out, pent up positive or negative feelings are expressed and your opinions are made known to the rest of the world (James 5:6). You must speak out because unwarranted silence reduces you to an on looker, a follower, a sheep or a spectator which God has not made you. In addition, undue silence reinforces external aggression. It takes speaking out to sell, manage, lead, teach or correct. Speaking enhances your job, your organization, company, school, church. How can you do all these if you cannot speak? Why should your organization have to go to outsiders, to professionals when you have within you the material and the wisdom to do much better? (Proverbs 18:20). Know that, there are thousands of people, organizations, sinners and nations who need and want to hear what you have to say, and they will even pay you for it. When you speak, you gain power, confidence, position and achievement. From today’s text, Mordecai called Esther’s attention to the fact that her privilege to be with the king was God’s divine arrangement, which was for a purpose, and that her silence may spell doom for the Jews who were in captivity. Therefore, maximize every opportunity you have to speak. Use it to make lasting and creative impressions. Use it to create a positive revolution. Let your words point the way of freedom to those in captivity of all sorts. You have what it takes. If you are not heard, it’s your fault. Have a lovely weekend! PROPHETIC ACTION FOR THE DAY MAKE AT LEAST TWO PEOPLE HAPPY TODAY; CALL, TEXT OR VISIT THEM. APPRECIATE OR COMMEND SOMETHING IN THEIR LIVES. PRAYERS FOR THE DAY • I receive grace to speak the word of freedom and peace. • I refuse to be silenced by the devil; the fruit of my lips shall bring peace to the world. • I shall speak to edify; my mouth is not for the devil; it is God’s instrument in Jesus name. FURTHER STUDY: Esther 4:9-17. Read the Bible through in one year: Luke Chapters 4:16-6:16; Job Chapters 22:12-30. Remember to further prophesy on yourself! There is power in your word IF U ARE BLESS DROP A MASSEGE OR REACH ME+2348169531899.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 11:20:37 +0000

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