YOU’VE GOT WHAT IT TAKES! I have often wondered how Peter and - TopicsExpress


YOU’VE GOT WHAT IT TAKES! I have often wondered how Peter and John must have felt when a crippled man asked them for money and they had none to give to him. You see, it is one thing not to have money and you are the only one who knows it, but when the world around you suddenly places a demand on you, saying “I don’t have” is usually not one of the most acceptable options for a response. So then, what do you do when the ones you have been commissioned to help make the demand and you are unable to make the supply? The apostles both had this dilemma for a moment until suddenly, they realized something; God had not sent them to meet the demands of the world; their calling was to meet their need! Therefore, even though they could not give him what he asked for, they knew they could meet his need with what they had to offer and when they did, it made all the difference. Here is a statement of fact; Christianity is not a religion. It is a call to impactful living. The Word of God describes us as ‘the light of the world’, meaning we are adequately equipped and legally authorized by God to terminate the reign of darkness in every sphere of human existence. Just like Joseph was the one with the solution to the economic problems of Egypt, the Jewish maid with the solution to the health problem of Naaman and Daniel with the solution to the crisis that almost wiped out the smartest ‘think tanks’ in Babylon, we as children of God have been called into the business of ‘saving the day’. Sadly, not very many believers are manifesting this truth. One major reason for this is that many Christians do not fully understand the dynamic operations of the grace of God within and through them. They assess themselves based on their ability to meet certain ‘standard requirements’ and the moment they realize they may not be able to ‘perform as expected’, they start seeing themselves as impotent, incapacitated or inadequate. At this point, they become completely blind to the invaluable deposits of gifts and graces that God has placed within them which are actually the most important resources they will ever need. The enemy is usually the one behind the creation of this false impression because he knows that for as long as a man is blind to the potentials of the seed within him, fruitfulness in his life will be impossible. Philemon 1:6 puts it this way; That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus. Therefore, regardless of how much time the believer spends in prayers, until he or she is able to discover and profitably engage the abilities that God has already placed on the inside of him, his world will never be able to feel the impact of the workings of the grace of God through his life. I strongly believe this is why God does not always release large amounts of external resources to His ministers in those early stages of their ministerial experience; He usually wants them to discover and adequately develop the internal and by far more important resources first. In the month of April 2010 when I decided to step forward and respond to the call of God upon my life, one of my greatest concerns was whether or not I had all the necessary requirements or at least, a good enough amount of it for me to make a meaningful impact on my generation. Like it was in the case of Moses, my personal weaknesses and inadequacies were pretty obvious to me. I had only N7,500 at home and abroad at my take-off and seeing the magnitude of the resources that those who were already on the scene were having to roll out in order to get the job done, I could not help but wonder if I could really pull this off. However, I knew one additional and very important fact; God called me, and because it has never been in His character to send any man on an assignment without thoroughly equipping him for the job, I knew that even though I could not yet see or feel everything I would have need of with my natural senses, they were already in my life and if I would only follow his plan and program, every single one of them would be made manifest in its due season. So then, I stepped out in full assurance of faith, giving due diligence to the proper development of the gifts of God in my life and assuredly, I have never been disappointed. His presence has never left me, His inspiration has never been lacking in my soul, His power continues to work mightily within and through me and His Word through my mouth and my hand is constantly producing fruits unto godliness and righteousness in the lives of my hearers and readers from different walks of life and around the world. As at today, our financial investment into the preaching of the gospel is already in multiplied millions of naira. To Him alone be all the glory. Dearly beloved, you can do this. God will not require it of you if He has not already equipped you to do it. Take your eyes off the limitations and weaknesses in your life and concentrate on your already existing strengths. If God is confident enough that the world would greatly profit from His investments in your life, so should you!
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 13:28:36 +0000

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