Ya Allah, I pray to you to increase my patience, strengthen my - TopicsExpress


Ya Allah, I pray to you to increase my patience, strengthen my faith and help me walk through this difficult journey. Many a times I forget Your presence, many a times I choose to walk the wrong path and I have never thank You enough. Sure I do say Alhamdulillah, whenever I can but it would never be enough. Your holy words have touched me. Your signs amazes me. But why do I still choose to follow my corrupted heart and do things that I am not supposed to? I pray to You to not only help me but also my family members who might also feel in despair at times(I may never know). Let’s not stop at only family, I pray to You for everyone I’ve known or I have yet to meet. Ya Allah, please forgive me for not adhering to Your rules. I have been bad for not listening to You but I am trying my best here. ...Amin Rabbil Alamin...O Allah! Let not our hearts deviate now after thou as guided us to Islam, but grant us mercy from thy own presence; for thou art the grantor of bounties witout measure. Ya Allah... Show me the light The light that shines so bright And show me the path to my future A future full of happiness and peace Show me the path to a place A place where I can fly free Send me the love The love that will last for eternity Let me not forget why I am here For you are the reason I want to live So Ya Allah Show me the path that leads me to your way! Ameen.. ﺭَّﺏِّ ﺯِﺩۡﻧِﻲ ﻋِﻠۡﻤٗﺎ O Allah! Protect us from polytheism, disbelief & from hypocrisy, protect us from living to please the people and guide us to live for Your Sake alone! Ameeen! ♥ Ya Allaah!, You are First and nothing precedes You, You are The Last as You alone will remain inthe end. You are The Obvious and there is nothing above You; You are the Latent and there is nothing beyond You; so grant us the repayment of our debts and freedom from poverty. Ameen ya Rabb! Oh ALLAH! be with us at every step we take, Oh ALLAH! guide us in each decision we make, Oh ALLAH! help us when life gets rough, Oh ALLAH! bless us with more than enough, Oh ALLAH! protect us when we fall, Oh ALLAH! hear us when we call, Oh ALLAH! sooth our heart when we dont understand, May we Always be in ALLAHs loving hand. Aameen ....... Oh Allah! we beg you to soften the hearts of our leaders. Oh Creator of the Heavens & the Earth! Do not let those who do not fear You nor show us mercy rule over us. In these hard times, bless us with valiant leaders that stand for justice. Oh Allah! Unite the Muslims of the world & strengthen us against our enemies. Oh Allah! Do not burden us with more than we can bear & set all our affairs right. Oh Allah! Help us with Your power & no one truly knows Your power except You. Oh Allah! Forgive the Muslim men & women, those who are young & those who are old, those that are living & those that have died. Oh Allah! those that have left us, elevate their ranks in Jannah. You are the Guardian of the faithful, forgive them & have mercy on them. Save them from the trials of the grave & the punishment of the Fire. Give patience & strength to those they have left behind. Aameen. ✿O Allah! Enlighten what is dark in me, Strengthen what is weak in me, Mend what is broken in me, Bind what is bruised in me, Heal what is sick in me, Straighten what is crooked in me, and Revive whatever Peace and Love has died in me. [Allahhumma Ameen Ya Rabbil Alameen ♥) O Allah! Grant me life as long as life is good for me, and cause me to die when death is better for me.”
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 08:44:41 +0000

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