Ya Rabb- Do you guys remember those moments of contemplation I - TopicsExpress


Ya Rabb- Do you guys remember those moments of contemplation I told you about two days ago? I was in Jebel Turkman, Ladhiqiyah, a few days back covering another awesome British charities efforts in Syria. Aid Convoy had sent a huge container of food, clothing and medicine from London and last minute, I was asked to cover it as a favour by a very close brother. Snowed under with work already, I agreed without batting an eye because there are not many organisations that have strived as sincerely for Bilad Al Sham as the brothers and sisters of this particular charity. The first picture below is of my nephew Yazaan. Do not let his innocent exterior fool you. He cant sit still for more then 5 seconds. I was woken abruptly after falling asleep in the delivery vehicle that was going to distribute clothing and toys at a local school and camp. Yazaan was tapping a coin on the window which my head was resting against, repeatedly. Annoyed, I wound down the window and asked him what he was doing? He answered, I was given this coin by a boy who told me to give it to you Why? I asked. He said I dont know, come with me, I will take you to him. Now take a look at the child in the second picture. Ahmed, a refugee boy who lives in one of the camps we were distributing in. When I reached his families tent, he confidently walked out and came to shake my hand. Wallah a confidence I have rarely ever seen in a child. His clothes were torn and tattered, hands and face covered in dirt and was barefoot. I asked him why he had given my nephew the coin. He presented me with a plastic football and explained, This fell from one of the vehicles as you were entering the camp. I picked it up. Its a nice ball. I would like to keep it. I again asked, But why did you give the coin? He answered, It is an Amanah, so if I want it, I must pay for it. In awe of his response. I kneeled down to his eye level and said, SubhanAllah, these toys are a gift for you, they are from your brothers and sisters in London, you dont have to pay for it. He stared at me with a perplexed look, then turned to Yazaan and said I thought these toys were only for the poor children. I had no more questions at that point. SubhanAllah. Ya Allah. Protect these future light bearers of our Deen. Protect them in Syria and Gaza. Iraq and Afghanistan. Everywhere Bi ithnillah. Just when you think nothing can surprise you!
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 22:06:06 +0000

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