Ya, know I get asked all the time why do I want to do events - TopicsExpress


Ya, know I get asked all the time why do I want to do events through Ravenstone Coven. And my answer has always been because I enjoy it. Some people have been rumored as saying our group does it to make a profit. This is completely false. If it was to make a profit trust me we would have stopped doing events after our first event back in 2010. For those that have never planned events for the Pagan or Wiccan community in general your so called profit is never that. It always goes back into the next event you plan on putting on, that is if your event even makes it back into the black. Nine times out of ten the leaders and members of the group are pulling money out of their own pockets to pay for expenses just to ensure the event keeps alive when they first start planning events. Some have even said we do it for the spot light. Oh boy you got that wrong also. Far from it. Do I like being the center of attention, well if you where looking at my love life, yes, but as for public eye not really. Do I like working with the public, oh hell yes! But nothing that I do or say is because I seek attention, well except for maybe this post a little bit. Do I care what others think of me and Ravenstone? I could lie and say no, but that would be a lie. Sorry but I have been told by several people: "I do not care how others see me", and in all honesty in my opinion everyone wants to know they are liked and cared for. Perception is everything. I know some people perceive me as being kind of bossy or controlling. And I cannot tell a lie, I do like things done in a certain manner. Does this mean I cannot see someone else method in doing something? No, just know I have my reasons for doing things in that manner, just as you have your reasons for wanting to do something in your way. I will explain my method for doing something, as long as you are willing to do the same about yours. Heck I will even give you the chance to use your method, and hope and trust it will work better than mine, but know that if your method does not work we will go back to mine or try another method. Because I know I do not know everything. But I also know that I will not allow anyone to make myself or others feel pressured to do something that makes the family feel uncomfortable. I know things have happened between me and others that has caused issues, and do I regret them? Yes, but I also know there are reasons things happen. But one thing I do know that I feel like I should say is this, even though people may like to put me down or our group I do not feel any kind of animosity towards them. Why? Because for me that is child like, and very inappropriate. The way I see it is this. Even if you do not like me, Ravenstone, or someone in the group itself you are still part of our family. Because no matter how hard you wanna deny it we all are from the Goddess, which by proxy makes us family. What I wish to see is less of the groupism, yes I made the word up lol so sue me, and more of a Family Circle. Where even though my Coven or your Coven practice a different tradition we can still come together for one reason: The God and Goddess. What I really wish is more people would come to realize that even though we may do things differently we are all still human, and children of the God and Goddess. I wish we could all stop holding hate towards others for something from our past, and grow from it. We all come from different upbringings and that is what makes us who we are. We need to stop acting like our ideas are the only ideas, and start hearing others out. And we also need to start showing support for other people and their ideas. I do not know what brought this long post, but for some reason tonight I could not sleep. Ok, now that I have said all this maybe I can rest some. Then once I rest, I guess I need to work on the group website, and try to get the event program done. Hmmm, anybody interested in helping put the straight jacket on? I think I am losing my mind...
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 11:34:37 +0000

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